
Harvard & The CIA Made the “Unabomber”

Universities have always been involved in mind control experimentation. Which is why no one should be surprised that the Trans Ideology with it’s bizarre language and pronouns came out of and is associated with Universities and the edu-indoctrination complex. We should understand that the mass mind experimentation done to destroy humanity during the so called […]


Where Did All the “Trust the Science People” Go

As the CDC liar Rochelle Walensky resigns, allegedly, taking people by surprise- “Blindsiding many health officials” Yup, the rats are jumping from the sinking ship.. we’d be wise to understand that persons like Walensky, Fauci, Tam, Trudeau and so many other tin pot tyrants need to be held to account. Prison would be a very […]


Scientists Discover Leak in the Bottom of the Ocean

This was interesting.- Futurism Anytime I read articles such as this one, my first thought is always a recognition of how little we really understand about our planet and the multitude of things that influence what happens on it. A hole in the bottom of the sea? It’s a cute song, and apparently also a […]


Why The Moon Is Suddenly Closer To Earth Than For 992 Years—And What It Means

For something different! Sometimes ya just gotta break up the geopolitics! On Saturday, January 21, 2023, the New Moon will be precisely 221,561 miles/356,568 km from Earth. As reported by, that’s the closest it will come to our planet since the year 1030—a time of the Crusades, the Norman Conquest of Britain and […]


“Doomsday Glacier” In retreat due to “global warming” until it wasn’t.

Link “The results were obtained by using autonomous submersibles to map an area of the sea floor where markings were discovered representing the retreating glacier. Mapping 13 square kilometres, the researchers found a series of ridges caused by the moving glacier hitting the sea floor as it rose and fell with the tides. It was […]


Chemical Manipulation of Humanity: Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical Exposure in Womb Impact Fear, Anxiety Behavior in Rats

This is a topic that was regularly featured at my big tech censored blog. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals are the NUMBER 1- ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE Linked here but originating with Endocrine Society Prenatal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in everyday products may interfere with the developing offspring’s brain, according to a rat study being presented Monday at […]


Moderna COVID-19 vaccine may pose higher heart inflammation risk: CDC

Worse then Pfizer’s heart inflammation risk, which is bad enough. Human experimentation on a mass scale. That’s what was done. Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine may pose a higher risk of heart inflammation in some age groups than Pfizer-BioNTech’s shot, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday, citing recent data. Based on […]


If Carbon Is At Levels Not Seen for Millions of Years..?

How to explain the problematic contradictions? From Forbes “Carbon Dioxide Peaked In 2022 At Levels Not Seen For Millions Of Years” Quoting: “Carbon dioxide levels are now comparable to the Pliocene Climatic Optimum, between 4.1 and 4.5 million years ago, when they were close to, or above 400 parts per million. During that time, sea […]


Flashback: “Antoine Béchamp & Terrain Theory- Pasteur Plagiarizes and Promotes A Poor But Profitable Theory….”

…..That Has Likely Sickened Us All (The Planet Too) Brought over from my censored site and placed directly below is my work of January 5/2021. As much as it annoys me to this day the censorship of non conforming views and information under our totalitarian system is understood as a requirement to keep an inhumane […]


Hey Doc, WTF is in the Jab?

hattip Brent! This scares me as well. For the many people I know that took the jab