This article was published in Russian- I put it through translate so those of us who can only read English can understand what the VOA is publishing in Russia, for a Russian audience. VOA is, of course, a US propaganda operation. It is the voice of America, to the world. Same as it’s always been. […]
Month: February 2025
Wow, Pashinyan, unsurprisingly, is extremely adept at spin, as you will read in the last linked to article He came to prominence as the editor of Armenian Times- Prior to that he had his own paper which was shut down due to his libelous reporting I have zero doubt that this journalist spook, never really […]
Wild Bill Donovan, created the OSS, which became the CIA. Wild Bill seeded the CIA with many Nazi’s who were all to happy to serve a new master. Excerpts from a large article at Vanity Fair The Central Intelligence Agency regards Donovan as its founding father. When Donovan died, on February 8, 1959, the C.I.A. […]
Pretty sure no one here saw the influx of immigrants as a Trudeau only move- From 2007 The Harper government’s ‘double-doubling’ of the Foreign Worker Program double- doubling (Tim Horton’s reference) Since coming to power, the Harper Conservatives have moved aggressively to expand Canada’s Foreign Worker Program, making it increasingly easy for employers to import […]
I’m serious. Nothing of any significance. He threatened and blustered away. Put on a great show. While Mexico and Canada’s leadership played along, to help him save face. After doing some reading this morning about the border patrol services here in Canada.. Additionally the economies of the 3 nations are so integrated through the free […]
This appointment just takes the cake! Neo-con warmonger Rubio. The peace President? Trump? I think not! The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has long strayed from its original mission of responsibly advancing American interests abroad, and it is now abundantly clear that significant portions of USAID funding are not aligned with the core […]
Donald Trump poisoned the well, by immediately stating the helicopter/plane crash was a DEI issue. When, it’s an altitude issue according to earliest data available. But, hey, when you have DEI you can obfuscate the possible connection to drug use, pilot error etc., Trump is as adept at playing identity politics as Trudeau. USA Today […]
Based on earliest available info- Had the helicopter not been flying at the reported altitude, this incident would, most probably, not have occurred Conflicting information from plane’s black boxes Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board have determined the CRJ700 airplane was at 325 feet (91 meters), plus or minus 25 feet, at the […]
First: Two of the Black Hawk pilots have been named. The 3rd, a woman, as requested by the family, has not been named Globe and Mail The Black Hawk helicopter that collided with a passenger jet in Washington on Wednesday was on a training flight along a route core to a seldom-discussed military mission to […]