
“Doomsday Glacier” In retreat due to “global warming” until it wasn’t.

Doomsday Glacier? Scary, right? Be scared, okay!


“The results were obtained by using autonomous submersibles to map an area of the sea floor where markings were discovered representing the retreating glacier. Mapping 13 square kilometres, the researchers found a series of ridges caused by the moving glacier hitting the sea floor as it rose and fell with the tides. It was found that during the daily tidal cycle, the glacier retreated around 6-7 metres a day, although sometimes reaching 10m. Over about five months of data, the glacier retreated 2.1 kms a year, twice the current rate measured by the satellites.

It was found that during the daily tidal cycle, the glacier retreated around 6-7 metres a day, although sometimes reaching 10m.

The ridges were discovered on a ‘bump’ in the sea floor that had helped pin the glacier. It was found that over a 5.5 month period, the average spacing of the ridges increased upstream from 5.8m to 6.3m. This 8% increase accelerated the annual retreat rate from 2.13km to 2.3km. The results are said to indicate that the movement across the area to the present day position was “probably rapid”. The scientists note: “Our results indicate that the rate of retreat from the bump was double the average estimated for the period 1996-2009, and about three times faster than a location immediately inland of the bump between 2011 and 2017.”

This is all fascinating scientific work that gives us more information about the natural processes that shape the Earth. But it will be largely ignored in the mainstream if such findings are seen to cast doubt on the ‘settled’ science of human-caused global warming.

The study:

Ribs formed by tidally modulated grounding-line retreat

What process could create the distinct ribs? Forming in series, one per day, the ribs could relate either to the forward motion by grounded ice (that is, ice shelf/ice mélange keels30) or to its inland migration (Supplementary Information). Tidal flexure and fast, steady retreat of the grounding line—first lifting during high water, and then settling on the sea bed during low tide—can best explain the unusual rib features (Fig. 5; cf. ref. 21). Sediment, extruded each time the grounding line settles on its substrate, forms a chain of ridges in the narrow accommodation space of the sub-ice shelf cavity (Fig. 5). The shape, regularity and periodicity of the ribs imply vertical displacement at the grounding zone with grounding-line retreat proceeding at many metres per day.

Real world vs modelling. And yup, ignored. But not here!

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