
When It Comes to Immunity, You Are What You Eat

Garbage In/Garbage OutVaccine pushers don’t want you to think about this reality- Just take their jab, eat fast food and stay indoors! The notion that diet and health are inextricably linked is hardly novel. For millennia, people have known that poor nutrition is responsible for many health problems. But the precise mechanisms that explain […]


Humans evolved with their microbiomes (bacteria in the gut) – like genes, your gut microbes pass from one generation to the next

Terrain Theory- Much more credible then germ theory. The information below is representative of Bechamp’s research. I’m reading the book. It’s tough. But it’s fresh in my mind. As I read the information included below, Bechamp’s theories jumped right out at me. “And just talk of the spread of viruses and bacteria. My suspicion is […]


Interview- Dr. Frédéric Leroy : The Food Control Cult…

Anti-Meat Elite, & The Frankenfood Industrial Complex About 90 minutes.. Worth the time to listen, in my opinion. 🙂 Higherside Chats About Today’s Guest:  Dr. Frédéric Leroy graduated as a Bioengineer (Ghent University, 1998) and obtained a PhD in Applied Biological Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, 2002), where he now holds a professorship […]


Flashback: “Antoine Béchamp & Terrain Theory- Pasteur Plagiarizes and Promotes A Poor But Profitable Theory….”

…..That Has Likely Sickened Us All (The Planet Too) Brought over from my censored site and placed directly below is my work of January 5/2021. As much as it annoys me to this day the censorship of non conforming views and information under our totalitarian system is understood as a requirement to keep an inhumane […]