
Lockdowns Instituted by Governments Killed People- Resulting in Excess Death and Harm

Delayed health care during pandemic led to thousands of excess deaths: study The virus didn’t kill these people. Government negligence did.Don’t argue ‘they did what they had to do” That’s completely nonsensical. Because it hinges on it’s okay to kill people, destroy people/society to maybe save a few. And that’s an absurdity.The actions resulted in […]


The Coral Reef Is Alright

Who doesn’t recall the hyperventilating carbon cult claiming the coral reef was all but dead due to AGW? Endless claims. Having nothing to do with the REAL world. Nature World Great Barrier Reef Spawning The Great Barrier Reef is one of the best-known and most complex natural systems on the planet, accounting for around 10% […]


The Omicron Non Emergency: Vaccine Mandates Hurting Hospitals-

Mandates backlash. Freedom protests growing exponentially. Cue the I C Moron virus (Omicron) and push for more jabs, upping the profits for big pharm and enabling the tightening of the technocratic tyranny. The hysteria has been over the top. It’s way too early to justify this fear campaign. And yet here it is. Just like […]


Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk

hat tip Yaya Link to AHA Journal (American Heart Association) Abstract Warning Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The score is […]


Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: Covid Vaxx “Designed to Fail”

Just ten minutes. Omicron: This variant could be the “blessing in the sky”


Omicron: This variant could be the “blessing in the sky”

Apparently it’s more mild then delta. Which was relatively mild anyway… Hospitals and GPs across Southern Africa are increasingly reporting that the symptoms of the aggressive new Covid strain Omicron are “unusual but very mild,” according to various media in South Africa this weekend. Around 90 per cent of all new infections in the Johannesburg […]


Canada’s Weekly Covid Vaxx Injury & Death Report

Another week. More stats. Last week’s report can be found at the link below. Canada’s Weekly Covid Death & Injury Report While our Canadian government claims 3 and ONLY 3 safety signals are monitored- we should all understand there are many more “safety signals” being monitored. Some are called safety signals. Some are called safety […]


Vaccine Induced Disease Pt 2

So, hopefully you read here Vaccine Induced Diseaseembedded within were links back to two previous reports Let’s look a little deeper at the study stating that exposure to the virus in the wild after the covid toxic shot is leading to worse outcomes. This is old news to anyone who read at my google site. […]


Vaccine Induced Disease

Breakthrough infections Raise Health/ Death risk; Vaccine Passport USELESS… Looking back at last week’s report (above) People who never had COVID-19, ( the vaccinated with no natural immunity) those who had breakthrough infections had a 53% higher risk of death and a 59% higher risk of having at least one new medical condition. Even when […]


The Real Anthony Fauci with Robert Kennedy Jr

Via Corbett Report