Sean smelt/smelts/smelted Penn- An actor posing as humanitarian. LOL Celebrities passing themselves of as humanitarians is always, always, always something to be leery of. As in, run the other way! Bono/Geldoff were two of the biggest celebrity frauds. Think LiveAid and Bono the venture capitalist Billions of dollars raised for African famine relief by celebrities […]
Tag: Africa
Too good to ignore. And yet it is ignored in order to provoke hysteria. The first case of an Omicron-positive patient in South Africa was recorded on 8 November. We’re almost six weeks into this latest wave of COVID-19, and the Gauteng hospitalisation data reaching us from local virus hot-spots is proving to be […]
58% were young people between 18 and 39 years old. 79% were vaccinated, including 14 people who received a booster dose. 16% had been infected with COVID-19 before. 33% had traveled internationally 1 person, who is vaccinated, was hospitalized “I think there will be a point where we will see a very rapid increase similar […]
If one wonders why hay is being made before the sun shines here in dumbed down land (Canada- the US too) There is a narrow window of opportunity with which fear mongering can be weaponized as a means to deploy jabs in order to enrich big pharma. The war for your mind is still being […]
Wow. Just wow. And we’re supposed to respect the organization/authority of the WHO?Oh, and I’m not buying the “horrified” “heartbroken” nonsense either!This same type of abuse took place in Haiti. The so called “peacekeepers” “Girls as young as 11 were sexually abused and impregnated” by peacekeepers, who were stationed in Haiti from 2004 to 2017.. […]