
Shame, Alberta- Spinning Child’s Cancer Death for Pandemic Fear Mongering

And the family takes them to task!- CBC Nine months after being diagnosed with a Stage 4 brain tumour and two days after his family says he tested positive for COVID-19, Nathanael Spitzer of Ponoka, Alta., died in hospital. When Dr. Deena Hinshaw told Albertans earlier this week that the 14-year-old had died of COVID-19, the […]


Canda’s Covid Vaxx Injury & Death Report

Sorry all it’s been a crazy week. The update that should take place tomorrow is being delayed until after the week end. No reason is given for the change. Please note that the October 15 report will be published on October 18, 2021. For this week I’ve got to do the shortened version. It’s not […]


Democracy and the Road to Tyranny

This presentation was done in 2016. Looking back at it from 2021, it’s apparent how much further down the road to tyranny we’ve traveled.


GreenCrow has been shutdown

The crow flies no more at blogger. Totalitarianism- we’re there. Technocratic totalitarianism to be more concise. When are more people going to understand this? Hannah Arendt The disturbing factor in the success of totalitarianism is … the true selflessness of its adherents: it may be understandable that a Nazi or Bolshevik will not be shaken […]


Covid has given us the data blueprint for ‘programming’ population health

Link ID2020 and the Great Reset really come to mind while reading this report Progressive health and care systems will evolve around sharing trustworthy data. For Integrated Care Systems, shared information and combined intelligence will be central to understanding where to target resources and interventions to maximise value for patients and populations. Data and analytics […]


Memes for Our Times

And finally… Hat tip Secret Sun Blog


Likud MP: Health Ministry is inciting against the unvaccinated

Israeli National News Inciting against the unvaccinated… Inciting hatred, rage and retribution.. This MK has not lost his mind- he is seeing things for how they are. This same type of incitement is happening in Canada. “A Likud MK excoriated Israel’s Health Ministry Wednesday, accusing it of inciting against the unvaccinated. MK Gadi Yevarkan slammed […]


Healthy 58 Yr Old, Fully Vaxxed, Dies of Covid; Sweden 7 in 10 Covid Deaths Fully Vaxxed

Newsweek A fully vaccinated 58-year-old man in Palm Beach, Florida has died following a breakthrough COVID-19 infection. He had received the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Vincent Konidare was a father of two who was vaccinated against COVID-19 and proudly sent a photo of his vaccine card to a longtime friend on March 24 but […]


Why didn’t COVID science win a Nobel prize?

Good question? The vaccines were alleged pandemic game changers. Alleged. And yet Nobel didn’t even acknowledge this “miraculous” new technology with it’s prestigious award? Why? Why COVID science didn’t win a Nobel Some scientists expressed surprise and disappointment that none of this year’s Nobel prizes were awarded to COVID-19 vaccines, particularly those developed using messenger-RNA […]


Israeli Gas/Syrian Sanctions Relief Power Lebanon?

Taking information from two reports. Why? Because in both articles Syria and Syrian territory are involved. Excerpts from the Atlantic Council oped entitled: Why Israeli gas and Syrian sanctions relief may turn on Lebanon’s lights, will be featured immediately below the piece concerning the PKK/US occupied territory. This first piece suggests the US should lift […]