
Mariupol & Azavstol: Turkey Expelled from NATO for Blocking Sweden/Finland?

Could Turkey Be Expelled From NATO Over Blocking Finland, Sweden? Personally speaking.. it’s not going to happen. We’ll get to that. By now we are all aware those holed up in Azavstol took the opportunity given and surrendered. Initially their were humanitarian passages set up to evacuate the injured. That quickly turned into an all […]


Azovstol: The Heart of Ukraine Resistance Is Broken

Ukraine is presenting this as a mission fulfilled. It’s war spin obviously. I can’t imagine the mission was ever to lose Azovstol and by extension Mariupol. The Ukranazi’s surrendered. That sounds more like mission failure though their lives are saved. Ukraine orders Azovstal fighters to surrender The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine […]


US Secretary of Defence Requested a Ceasefire in Ukraine?

3 days ago? First I’ll re link the post with the TIME report embedded within. This report makes much more sense now, understanding that just prior to it being published the US had made a request to Russia for a ceasefire. The US and Russia have a deconfliction agreement since the US has troops stationed […]


Turkey: Not Favourable on Finland & Sweden Joining NATO

Could be a problem for NATO? Unless concessions are made? Turkey’s issue with the Nordic nations is not because Russia is favoured. Yahoo President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday it was not possible for NATO-member Turkey to support plans by Sweden and Finland to join the pact given that the Nordic countries were “home to […]


TIME: Ukraine Is in Worse Shape than You Think

The media does, far less often then it should, report some facts.The majority of spin about the situation in Ukraine has not matched the reality. One only need to look at a map of territory now controlled by DNR and Russian Forces to understand reality. TIME It has been said that, given how massively Ukrainian […]


Russia, Finland Treaty- Arctic Maneuvering

Oh it does exist. It may be updated but it exists. In 1948 The Finno- Soviet Treaty was signed The text is here Considering Finland’s desire to remain outside the conflicting interests of the Great Powers; and Expressing their firm endeavour to collaborate towards the maintenance of international peace and security in accordance with the […]


Trudeau Pipeline Gets Government Backed $7.7B Loan

I believe that amount is in US dollars. Other reports have the amount at 10 BILLION dollars Rigzone repost of Bloomberg The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project has secured up to C$10 billion ($7.7 billion) in private-sector financing, but it comes with a loan guarantee provided by the Canadian government. The financing was announced after multiple news […]


Ukraine: Kiev Cuts Off Europe’s Gas, Azavstol, Inflation, Geostrategy UK/Russia

I wonder if the EU is going to sue? Clearly a strong arm tactic to encourage the EU to fall in line on sanctions. Ukraine to suspend key Russia gas transit point to Europe Kyiv says it will suspend the flow of gas through a transit point which it says delivers almost a third of […]


Terror from Balochistan: a menacing tool to disrupt Sino-Pakistani economics

Pepe Escobar via the Cradle This is the concise story of how a suicide bombing may carry the potential to subvert the whole, ongoing, complex process of Eurasia integration. Recently, the Balochistan Liberation Movement (BLA) had released an ISIS-influenced video threatening “Chinese officials and installations” in Pakistan’s vast province. Yet what actually happened in late […]


“Retired” Sexual Misconduct Accused Canadian General Captured At Azovstal

.….. trying to escape through the sewer. Word has it he is a high value capture, a mercenary, who has been taken to Moscow for trial. Can you say WOW!? What is the ‘good’ general doing with the Ukrainazis at Azovstal? Let’s go back to April 21/22 Retired Canadian lieutenant-general under police investigation for alleged […]