“Get real” is an idiom : Get real implies an acknowledgement/acceptance of the true facts/reality of a situation
Briefly speaking, through alternative sources (Duran, Military Summary) it appears that the situation is untenable in Bakhmut for the Ukrainians- They can’t move troops from Kherson to Bakhmut region or Kherson will be retaken. Which leaves the Ukrainian forces in Kherson out manned. And under supplied. The alt sources have talked about this situation all week. Finally 5 eyes is acknowledging this fact- On a Friday. When attention is elsewhere.. As usual
Ukrainian Forces Outnumbered And Facing Supply Issues In Battle for Bakhmut
Ukraine has said its forces are outnumbered by Russian troops and face dwindling ammunition in the battle for Bakhmut, the city in the Donetsk region believed to be the most contested patch of ground in the war at the moment.
A Ukrainian commander told CNN that his troops faced a Russian barrage from early morning until night, but the biggest problem for Kyiv’s forces was that they were
"heavily outnumbered."
Battery commanders at the frontline told the network that ammunition supplies are running low and that even U.S.-supplied guns are “breaking” under the constant strain, and that they needed more weapons and munitions to fight.
On Thursday, the General Staff of the Ukrainian army reported yet another day of artillery and tank bombardment and shelling reported in more than two dozen different settlements nearby.
Bakhmut is the potential pivot point for the next stage of the conflict,” he told Newsweek. “Russia’s numerical superiority shows that numbers are not the primary metric in military
Why the battle for the small city of Bakhmut is so important to both Russia and Ukraine operations.”
The quagmire of carnage now consuming the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut has been mostly overlooked, given Ukraine’s battlefield successes against Russia’s army elsewhere.
But the gruelling, gruesome six-month fight for the city in the Donbas region may soon reach its culmination, and the outcome is taking on outsized importance for both sides.
Situation ‘is difficult’
But the strategy carries risks for Ukraine.
NATO officials claim Russia still has an immense amount of equipment, troops and weaponry inside Ukraine, and there appears little chance its army will run low on foot soldiers.
Russian officials say they have just completed mobilizing 300,000 soldiers, and there are persistent reports that another round of call-ups could come after Christmas.
Even as some of NATO’s best weaponry continues to pour into the country, Western officials worry Ukraine is suffering heavy military and civilian casualties — as many as 100,000 of its soldiers may have been killed or wounded.
From my understanding.. less civilian and very heavy military casualties including a likely 100,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers and probably 4 times as many injured. Some light. Some severely. None of this needed to happen!
Ukraine President Volodomyr Zelenskyy has said the number of Ukrainian casualties is a security issue and something he doesn’t discuss. But in an address earlier this week, he indicated the situation in Bakhmut is grim.
Zelensky to ban religious organizations affiliated with Russia
These would be Christian institutions..
Zelensky, the NSDC instructed the state service on
ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience
to conduct an examination of the charter of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) “for the presence of church-canonical ties with the Moscow Patriarchate.”The Security Council also
ordered a check of whether religious organizations legally used the property located in the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve
(on the territory of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra).Zelensky announced that Ukraine will intensify the fight against Russian security services in the Ukrainian church, and the state service for ethnopolitics will receive more powers.
“We will ensure for our state the fullness of independence. In particular, spiritual independence. We will never allow anyone to build an empire inside the Ukrainian soul,” said the president of Ukraine.
Zelensky is going for religious persecution. Clearly. Plainly. Undoubtedly.
8 replies on “Bakhmut- 5 Eyes Media “Gets Real””
Von Der Leyen spillt the beans this week with the Ukrainian casualties at 100000 deads.
How are you? How is Gallier1?
How are things in your part of the world?!
Do share some info you feel appropriate to share.
I’ve thought of you both, wondering what things are like for you and yours..
Hi Penny, yeah nothing big has changed here. The children are growing, the country gets nuttier every day. Gallier is fine even if we don’t meet often, we stay in permanent contact on FB. Did the covid insanity get better in Canada, or is it still as crazy as it was? Btw, the uncle of my wife died last month suddenly at age 51, an ex-professional boxer, in Ottawa. I suppose it’s probably the clot shot but we weren’t in contact for years now.
This country is nuttier than ever. And the continuing covid insanity is well insane!!
Glad Gallier1 is good too.
Today our grandson is 1. I can hardly believe it. Already!
Sorry about the uncle’s passing 🙁
Have you done any reading into the continuing excess death counts? The jab has to have a role in that situation. As well as the lockdowns. And the insane level of fear mongering- so unhealthy
Congrats for the grandson. 1 is the best age, tears me up everytime I watch a video of my son at that age.
For my wifes uncle I’m sure it’s the vaccine. I don’t know if he got the jabs but seeing how Canada was in the lead of the worst Covid dictatures (alongside with the antipodian) I cannot imagine that he didn’t vaccinate.
Hello Penny,
I read here regularly, almost daily, but rarely comment. The all-encompassing madness can hardly be stopped with rationality. Remains only irony, satire and cynicism as an antidote. But these stylistic forms are rarely understood anymore, because in order to understand them, one needs a functioning brain.
I am quite well informed about the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian front, as I read several well-informed wire channels on a daily basis (Strelkov aka Girkin, Erwan Castel, Rybar, Anti-Spiegel by Thomas Röper, Red October, Kompromat, and so on). I started learning Russian six years ago, and language learning for me is also immersion in the culture and way of thinking of people in the Russian world. And this worldview I like more than our now only materialistic consumerist Western “values” world. I read daily analysts, journalists, and dedicated bloggers in German, French, English and Russian). My best friend is deepl, he brings me the content from many foreign languages in German or French across, my two native languages. I wish you and your family and friends all the best, a Merry Christmas, and a less crazy 2023. Of course, these wishes also apply to all the dedicated protagonists on your site.
Sincerely Gallier the Elder
And Gallier the Elder 🙂
“. The all-encompassing madness can hardly be stopped with rationality. ”
It seems like that because irrationality is reigning over us all- some realize it-some don’t
yes functioning brain, critical thinking, discernment etc.,
If you or Gallier 2 see something worthwhile, leave a link, I can run it through a translate and post it here.
Thank you for the well wishes- I’m tired this last little while (see my answer to Gallier the younger) It’s been a tough, tough row this past week– Things are looking up and once our grandson get’s here I’ll be thrilled.
Merry Christmas to you and yours that’s for both the Galliers
I think of you often- and always well 🙂
It’s going to be an interesting New Year. I’m afraid their will be much hardship 🙁
the grandson will be here for a visit in just a few days and I’m so excited!!!!
can’t wait
We’ve gone nearly full christmas, save for the fact my dad has been in ICU (still there but downgraded today) and mom mother in law had a 2nd stroke _ cause when it rains it pours
doing out best to muddle through..
as always