Was reading Armstrong Economics and stumbled across this “on the money” ditty!
Anti Mandate Protesting: It’s on!
Today I went by a protest on public property in front of Brock University. It was not at the main entrance as our lying media claimed. It was on the public sidewalk well away from the “main entrance” Welland Tribune The relatively frequent sound of supportive car horns. Indeed. My car horn joined the cacophony […]
How to Escape From A Sick Society
After watching/listening to this it seemed to me that alternative societies are already a reality. Think about it?
Related to 9/11 and Covid- My report from April 18/2020. There is a certain commonality between these two occurrences. One being the inducement of traumatizing fear on the masses. Two being the media manipulation. Three being profiteering agendas. Four, the loss of freedoms. Fifth, the lying officials and authority figures Given more time I’d surely […]
The promised guest post will appear below. First some reminiscing. 20 years ago. Tuesday. Nice late summer day. I happened to be at home. My mother in law called and said “put the tv on“. Then, as now, the tv was off. Never been much of a fan of the tell-a- vision. But, I turned […]
Unlike Justin. And our ever spinning media that ignores Canada’s real history. Love Pierre or hate’m he stood his ground. And didn’t whine. Unlike Justin. Montreal Gazette Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau famously stayed put on the reviewing stand for the St. Jean Baptiste parade as bottles were thrown. “Scores of people were injured last […]
Want to get this out now. In case I can’t get it done tomorrow. Plus I’ve got a guest post for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 that will be forthcoming. Biden’s “Over the Horizon Plan”- Would you believe that was reported on at my prior residence July 2/21. Just over two months ago.. Went to […]
As usual the data is not up to date. In fact it’s less up to date then I’d every imagined. The data lags by months. Not weeks. Months.I hope you’ve been paying attention to the ever changing adverse event chart- Because adverse events have increased, going back months, as the data is being processed. Look […]
I’m using “spinning” in this manner: “To present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance that does not exist in reality. Clearly covid vaccine breakthrough cases are on the rise. And the media is engaging in ever more desperate attempts to spin […]
Claims of food and medicine shortages. Claims of atrocities being committed. From unnamed sources.. I’m getting this sense of deja vu. How long before calls of intervention from the “international” community start being made? Aljazeera For the last three weeks, Ahmad Massoud, the son of the late anti-Taliban commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, has been leading […]