KONGRA-GEL is a branch of the PKK. They are one of the many sub groups that make up the totality of the PKK. Rojova is the name given to the occupied, annexed and stolen territory of Syria by those that occupy.
In a written statement regarding the Turkish state’s invasion attacks on North-East Syria, KONGRA-GEL Co-Presidency Council called Turkey’s deliberate targeting of the civilian population at the Tishrin Dam “terrorist attacks” that are completely unacceptable.
Strongly protesting the attacks, KONGRA-GEL called on international organizations to fulfill their responsibilities against “these terrorist attacks that have no place in any law.”
If you want to understand where the association of Turkey with ISIS originated look to the PKK’s PR machine- And it’s a big machine. Far bigger than many realize.
The empire’s domination of the global media machine has swept the reality of who the PKK is under the rug. And the PKK has generous funding for their own self promoting narrative via their criminal organizations
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Treasury Department on Wednesday blacklisted several members of the Kurdistan organisation Kongra-Gel as drug traffickers, prohibiting any transactions with them by U.S. citizens.
Kongra-Gel was formerly known as the Kurdistan Workers Party or PKK and was named by the U.S. State Department in 2001 as a specially designated global terrorist.
Treasury said that Kongra-Gel founders Cemil Bayik and Duran Kalkan as well as leaders Remzi Kartal, Sabri Ok and Adem Uzun were being named as specially designated narcotics traffickers under the Kingpin Act that takes aim at global drug trafficking.Treasury said that Kongra-Gel “uses its network across Europe to produce, transport and traffic opiates and cannabis” and then uses the proceeds to buy weapons. The group, which wants to establish a Kurdish homeland, is most prevalent in northern Iraq near the Turkish border.