KONGRA-GEL is a branch of the PKK. They are one of the many sub groups that make up the totality of the PKK. Rojova is the name given to the occupied, annexed and stolen territory of Syria by those that occupy. ANFEnglish In a written statement regarding the Turkish state’s invasion attacks on North-East Syria, […]
Tag: Birth Pangs
Thankfully Mr Mercouris was quiet. Chas Freeman made some very good points and was more realistic on the Turkish/Israel situation, how both nations are actually at odds regarding Syria, which they are! He talks about Turkey and it’s relationship with Sunni Muslims at large. Which is a bit simplistic, but, has some truth. He also […]
Surely you’ve all noticed by now I’m not on the same page as many analysts or op- ed writers/journalists that have declared Turkey “the winner” in Syria. I can’t even listen to the Duran when they talk about this situation as their analysis is just absurd to me. Actually they’ve lost me since they’ve been […]
‘If it’s been officially denied, then it’s probably true’– Pilger’s law “But if reports are accurate, something is going on and it has nothing to do with ISIS“- Responsible Statecraft linked below my previous posts Let’s go back to 2 of my older posts: Responsible Statecraft Unfortunately the follow-ups in the briefing room were weak […]
New Friends? Considering the extensive US backing of both groups? Hardly. Grain From Ukraine? Of course, since Syria’s bread basket is and has long been occupied by Americans and their PKK proxies– Syria’s northeastern Jazira region—an area that includes land in Hasakah, Raqqa and Deir e-Zor provinces—has long been considered Syria’s “food basket,” growing strategic […]
So often, I’m gobsmacked at the incomprehensible claims made by some so called analysts. The analysts who just can’t seem to grasp what is taking place in plain sight. As the ME/NA is remade, yet again. It’s the birth pangs of a new middle east. (That’s a tag I brought over from my old site) […]
I’d recently written in a response to Ally about the US backed PKK/YPG using live fire against the anti occupation protestors in Syria. penny2says: December 15, 2024 at 8:42 am•Edit I’ve seen video on line, not of the Ocalan posters being torn down, but, of the protests by Arabs, who were than fired upon with […]
Keep in mind that many of the fighters supported by Turkey are Syrians. Displaced Syrians. Also bear in mind the presence of all those US bases in occupied Syria, along the Turkish border, with their PKK/YPG allies. Reuters Two U.S. senators introduced bipartisan legislation on Friday that would impose sanctions on Turkey, citing concerns over […]
This article is 5 yrs old. No doubt the bases have gotten larger and more entrenched. The location of the US bases, make clear Turkey is being targeted by the US and it’s PKK/YPG allies. At the link there is a map showing the location of and aerial images of the bases. Please take a […]
Covered this report at my former site 2019 https://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/2019/04/heralding-feral-city-warfare-or-why-us.html?zx=31d974a6d97ce4c6 The link from Military Times is still viable I’d expect this was done with the intent to create these unstable feral cities on Syrian territory. Making them a laboratory for experimentation on military strategy and of course how humans can adapt to such horrific surroundings.Certainly the […]