
Aleppo Deja Vu; Partie Deux

Back in 2021 when google removed my old site- There were some readers who thought it was because of all the work I’d done on the Syrian situation- There was information galore. Links to articles and more.
Like a big reference book available to anyone. I believe that was part of the reason. The information regarding the covid “pandemic” didn’t help, but the readily available access to the history of the Syrian conflict was surely more than those that censor the internet could bare.

My husband always tells me “There’s a book in there for you to write”- It wouldn’t be hard, ya know?


What happened in Aleppo is not exactly what it seems. These things most often aren’t. I do believe the SAA bears some blame in this situation. They had allowed the PKK to continue to occupy an area north of Aleppo, they shouldn’t have. Was it just complacence, corruption or incompetence, considering the Kurdish allegiance to both the US and Israel. I’ve trouble understanding why Syria allowed this to continue considering the threat the PKK poses to themselves, Turkey and Iran. While as a terrorist organization they are a threat on their own, their alliance with the US and Israel increases the threat exponentially.

We’re going to go back to the Adana Agreement, from which grew the Astana agreements. I’d written on this subject back in 2016. But the agreement preceded that date

An article called Pax Adana formed the basis of this 8 year old report, link above via the web archive.

Pax is the kiss of Peace Ecclesiastical. kiss of peace: a period in history marked by the absence of major wars, usually imposed by a predominant nation.

Pax Adana means the end of this long peace filled kiss.  Who wants this agreement to end? What nations will benefit when Iran, Turkey and Syria are torn to shreds? My readers know which nations will benefit- A nation born of brutal violence, death and displacement may just materialize- Greater Kurdistan. The last of a trio of other nations created in recent memory from brutality violence, death and displacement- Israel and Kosovo. The NATO terror trio.

“One of the unintended consequences of the Arab Spring has been the PKK’s reemergence as a player in Iran-Syria-Turkey relations.

Although Turkey is not an Arab country, the Arab Spring is shaping Turkish affairs in important ways. Political changes in the country’s neighborhood have ended the equilibrium between Syria, Turkey, and Iran over the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a group that has waged a violent campaign against Turkey for decades. This has meant the end of the Pax Adana, a regional balance characterized by the Syrian and Iranian promise not to support the PKK.

In 1998, Damascus signed a protocol with Ankara in the southern Turkish city of Adana promising to cease its support for the PKK. Iran joined in on that consensus in 2003.

One of the unintended consequences of the Arab Spring has been the PKK’s reemergence as a player in Iran-Syria-Turkey relations.”

This was not unintended, not in my opinion. This reemergence was nurtured and developed.

The Adana agreement looked to be a good agreement for all the signatories. It’s intention was to keep each of their territories intact. It more or less kept the peace between Turkey, Syria and Iran. At the very least it kept the region stable. It had them all on the same page. Iran signed on in 2003. Iraq’s disintegration was a foregone conclusion and a Greater Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0 was bound to appear. Turkey, Iran and Syria needed to keep their peace and work together to prevent their disintegration.

Turkey’s Sovereignty and their territory is at stake;

One can draw parallels between Russian actions in Ukraine and Turkey’s actions in Syria. Both Russia and Turkey are attempting to keep their nations as free as possible from outside attack. Both nations are attempting to stave off western attempts to balkanize their nation states. Both nations are working at impeding the attempts to overthrow of their leadership. Turkey has made it clear they don’t want to be balkanized. Turkey did not go along with the attack on Iraq in 2003 for that very reason. Turkish leaders read the tea leaves. And they saw what would inevitably be directed at them. The birth pangs of a new middle east had begun. Turkey and the US came into conflict because of the US backing for the PKK rebranded SDF/YPG in Syria. Under the Obama administration there was already discord, as Obama made promises to the Turkish leadership he had zero intent on keeping. And these sweet nothings continued to be whispered through Trump and Biden.

The Ralph Peters Map

Are readers familiar with it? You can see it here

Neither Iran nor Saudi Arabia is likely to surrender such strategic, economically vital territory to form a new state for someone else.

Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey would all lose territory to a “Free Kurdistan,” a state as big as what’s left of Turkey and running all the way from the Armenian border through Iraq’s Kirkuk oilfields to the environs of Baghdad.”

This is also connected to the why Armenia pulled out of Nagorno Karabakh. Story for another day.

“Free Kurdistan” or Greater Kurdistan would be in control of oil and water resources of abundance. All the while Israel would have a friend and ally in the region- this would be an Israel 2.0. The fighting and misery would never end. Just look at Israel 1.0? The fighting and misery carries on to this day.

The Kurds have never had a state, many of them were nomadic until recently and they’ve always lived within the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey.

I can’t get behind these remakes. Not as a human being. Not as a person who prefers diplomacy to war. I’ve no dog in the fight, living here in Canada. Though I know Canadian tax dollars and the Canadian military has participated all along in this destabilization plan. A plan that will just bring more war, death, misery, despair, human trafficking, drug trafficking and the like. I’m just tryin’to find me some peace in this world. War should be the last resort, always. Instead it’s the go to.

There’s more but it will have to wait.

3 replies on “Aleppo Deja Vu; Partie Deux”

Your husband is right, Penny. You should write a book. Precisely because you have no personal dog in the fight, yet you’ve observed international trends for a long time and can see better than most people.

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