
US, Which is a Pro-Ukraine Force, Claims Pro-Ukrainian Force Sabotaged North Stream Pipeline

And that there is NO LOGICAL reason for Russia to have destroyed their own pipeline- That admission is in the very last paragraph of the NYT’s article. That very important admission is made dead last because almost no one will read through the entire article to get to that nugget of truth! “It’s my job […]


US Top General Visits Occupied Syria & PKK allies- Condemned by Syria and Turkey

Of course the 5 eyes media barely mentions the imperialistic visit to these US occupied/annexed territory. The theft of Syria’s resources. The collusion with PKK terrorists- The media is pretty quiet on this reality. Syria Condemns In his snap visit Saturday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley met U.S. troops stationed […]


Brazil- Messianism and Lula

This report is bound to ruffle feathers. Though it shouldn’t. I’ve always used my site to share my thoughts and allow for others to share theirs. Agree. Disagree. And, why? It’s silly to believe everyone is going to agree with me at all times. That’s not possible.It’s silly for others to believe I’m going to […]


Poland Home of Russia’s Government in Waiting..

Given Poland’s prominence in NATO, only surpassed by the US, we should expect that this government in waiting has the US/NATO seal of approval. Globe and Mail Russian dissidents in Poland clash as they try to plot a future without Putin The group, called the People’s Deputies of Russia, has drafted a new constitution and […]


How Mask Mandates De- Faced Us

Though this is behind a paywall there’s enough accessible to understand what the the point being made. On Jan. 30, Cochrane, a British organization whose systematic reviews of medical literature are regarded as the gold standard of evidence-based medicine, released a review of 78 randomized controlled trials on the efficacy of face masks in […]


Bakhmut (Artemovsk) Encircled- Ukraine Evacuates Kupiansk

As expected Bakhmut has been taken. Their are conflicting reports regarding Ukrainian troop withdrawal. If troops are being withdrawn it’s likely to little to late. If it’s happening at all! Personally, I’m not confident about Zelensky’s leadership. He’s been all too willing to sacrifice Ukrainians for the US. But, maybe withdrawal has or is taking […]


Untruth After Untruth was Peddled to Sell a Pandemic

Why is the pharmedia backing away from the massive psyop they participated in? There is no new to me information contained in this Covid file. I covered this all in real time! So pharmedia why now? In fact, why, at all? Gary raised this issue of why people fell for this, so, my question as […]


Flashback- US & Europe Push Confrontation with Russia towards War

original url OR: via wayback “We also have partners across the ocean – our American colleagues – who, according to a lot of evidence, still favor pushing the Ukrainian leadership towards the path of confrontation”   “Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko would like to ease tension and go on with the truce, but there are also […]


Flashback:Ukraine Militias masquerading as ‘steelworkers’ paid for by a warlord

From my big tech censored blog. May 6 2014 only available via wayback or now HERE! via wayback Mariupol and the neo nazis. Present and terrorizing since 2014- Finally removed when Russia began it’s military action Continuing on.. Despite the Washington Post spin job, as stated,  the fact is- Ukraine’s top, richest warlord/oligarch has […]