Claims of food and medicine shortages. Claims of atrocities being committed. From unnamed sources.. I’m getting this sense of deja vu. How long before calls of intervention from the “international” community start being made? Aljazeera For the last three weeks, Ahmad Massoud, the son of the late anti-Taliban commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, has been leading […]
Tag: state sponsored terrorism
Lockdowns Led To Excessive Deaths
Related: Covid: The Always Moving Goal Posts COVID-19 The flattening of the curve results in a retardation of the curve’s midpoint, which entails an increase in the final number of infections. It is possible that more lives are lost at the end by this process. Link A little-noticed study says government orders to “shelter in place” […]
Mind Virus Antidotes
Self Perpetuating Cycle or System: This practice prevents change and produces new things that are very similar to the old ones. Vicious Circle The leaky vaccines are creating the variants. More leaky vaccines = more variant creations = still more vaccines = more variants = more vaccines = more variants = more vaccines = Ad […]
Covid: The Always Moving Goal Posts
Moving the Goal Posts. How many people recognize or understand this logical fallacy? How many recognize or understand this fallacious logic has been at play throughout the entirety of the “pandemic” Moving the Goalpost | Also know as raising the bar “To alter the rules or parameters of a situation in such a way as […]
Considering the hasty advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan it has to be understood that there is support on the ground for this group and it’s leadership among the mass populace. The US did nothing to impede this re establishment from taking place likely because they have their own reasons for staying out of the […]
Understanding all my intelligent readers are aware of this reality, I’m opting to share this report here so that we all understand the questioning crowd has been correct. Conspiratorial we are not. It’s simply dealing in reality vs spoon fed fear narratives. This latest information was published at It’s excerpted from a study published […]
In the last report we took note of the name change on the official website.This week we should all notice yet another change has taken place in the way the information is presented to interested parties. Pay particular attention to how the numbers for Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia, Myocarditis/Pericarditis, Capillary Leak Syndrome, Guillaine Barre Syndrome and […]
This was quite predictable. In fact I’d expressed concern about this after catching the sudden reappearance of the terror group called Khorasan. Earlier today there were warnings issued by US/UK that this was a very real possibility and they had specifically named Khorasan. I could barely believe my eyes! And yet I could! CBS “The […]
The headline was actually uncertain, but, the reality is the science is unprovable: unable to be demonstrated by evidence or argument as true or existing. It cannot be demonstrated or verified. Read on. NYMagIntelligencer At the end of May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a notable, yet mostly ignored, large-scale study of […]