Unlike Justin. And our ever spinning media that ignores Canada’s real history. Love Pierre or hate’m he stood his ground. And didn’t whine. Unlike Justin. Montreal Gazette Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau famously stayed put on the reviewing stand for the St. Jean Baptiste parade as bottles were thrown. “Scores of people were injured last […]
Want to get this out now. In case I can’t get it done tomorrow. Plus I’ve got a guest post for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 that will be forthcoming. Biden’s “Over the Horizon Plan”- Would you believe that was reported on at my prior residence July 2/21. Just over two months ago.. Went to […]
As usual the data is not up to date. In fact it’s less up to date then I’d every imagined. The data lags by months. Not weeks. Months.I hope you’ve been paying attention to the ever changing adverse event chart- Because adverse events have increased, going back months, as the data is being processed. Look […]
I’m using “spinning” in this manner: “To present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance that does not exist in reality. Clearly covid vaccine breakthrough cases are on the rise. And the media is engaging in ever more desperate attempts to spin […]
Claims of food and medicine shortages. Claims of atrocities being committed. From unnamed sources.. I’m getting this sense of deja vu. How long before calls of intervention from the “international” community start being made? Aljazeera For the last three weeks, Ahmad Massoud, the son of the late anti-Taliban commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, has been leading […]
Been following the election happenings here in Canada. And the division has never been more obvious. That’s due to it being nurtured so well by the Justin Trudeau. Below is a screen shot from my prior residence.. Notice the residential school topic has dropped right off the radar? As soon as Trudeau announced the election […]
Lockdowns Led To Excessive Deaths
Related: Covid: The Always Moving Goal Posts COVID-19 The flattening of the curve results in a retardation of the curve’s midpoint, which entails an increase in the final number of infections. It is possible that more lives are lost at the end by this process. Link A little-noticed study says government orders to “shelter in place” […]
The Covidian Cult: Good Reading
That’s my opinion, anyway. I’ve read all three parts. The inclusion of the Jim Jones imagery is very appropriate. The masses are definitely satiated with the poisoned punch (kool aid) The Covidian Cult The Covidian Cult (Part II) The Covidian Cult (Part III)
Mind Virus Antidotes
Self Perpetuating Cycle or System: This practice prevents change and produces new things that are very similar to the old ones. Vicious Circle The leaky vaccines are creating the variants. More leaky vaccines = more variant creations = still more vaccines = more variants = more vaccines = more variants = more vaccines = Ad […]