
US Should Prepare to Kill Turks in Syria- Regional Remake Progresses

So often, I’m gobsmacked at the incomprehensible claims made by some so called analysts. The analysts who just can’t seem to grasp what is taking place in plain sight. As the ME/NA is remade, yet again. It’s the birth pangs of a new middle east. (That’s a tag I brought over from my old site) And it’s one hell of a labourious process.

Twitter is full of so called analysts I’ve long considered to be, not misinfo, but intentional disinfo. Three in particular stand out in my mind. But there are more, I’ve no doubt of that.

Flashback via the Internet Archive to my old site- Nearly 10 years ago. Michael Rubin was calling for Turkey to be partitioned. Why is that important? Well, because the overthrow of Assad, just brought that goal a bit closer to achievement. At least that’s what the zionist neo cons, Israel and America would like to see.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Via the internet archive

original url

Is Turkey Heading to Partition? American Enterprise Institute

Well, well, well. So let’s see I’ve been prognosticating the destabilization/destruction of Turkey for how long now? I had dropped hints through out the blog on many an occasion.
 But then finally in November 2014 I started solidifying my theory
Flashback  nearly 10 months ago:

Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey

Followed immediately by:

Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey

After that two post kick off  there have been numerous other posts delving deeper into and expanding a bit more on the subject of Kurd/ISIS symbiosis leading to the impending destruction of Turkey. The Kurd/ISIS symbiosis is not coincidence. That symbiosis points to a cohesion. As stated here on multiple occasions.
I took my lumps for this theory. I was derided. Attacked. Trolls visited. I seem to have been blocked from gatekeeper sites for pointing out what appeared obvious to me.

So considering my thesis? I was completely unsurprised to see this piece from Michael Rubin at American Enterprise Institute.

Michael Rubin

American Enterprise Institute- Total Neo – Con, everything for Israel & Zionists, think tank.Not really a surprise considering so much of the information that’s been posted here on the subject of the collusion between Israel & Kurds. Remaking the middle east for the benefit of Israel/NATO Including the inevitable terror state creation which will be known as Kurdistan.

Is Turkey heading to Partition

Is Turkey heading to partition?

Foreign and Defense Policy, Middle East

The Turkish government, its military, and Turkish diplomats may deny any implication that partition could be Turkey’s fate, and US officials will do so publicly, but behind the hot denials, it seems increasingly likely that some sort of division will be the second order effect of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s cynical drive toward autocracy.

I’d featured Mr Rubin’s other opeds here from time to time, but somehow I missed this most recent one!

Thanks to Ms Cat for bringing it to my attention! Hat tip my fellow compatriot (friend or colleague) in truth telling

Ms. Catsays:


I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but Alex Mercouris brought up this article by Michael Rubin in his latest video:

Türkiye had a good response:

Notice, never once does Mr Rubin say American forces should not be in Syria. Should never have been in Syria.Or that the American occupation, annexation, theft of Syrian resources alongside the extensive use of proxies for more than a decade now led directly to the dissolution of Syria- Nope, it's glossed over and on to the next target

Mr Rubin published on December 17/24- The United States Needs to Prepare to Kill Turks in Syria

In subsequent weeks, as Turkey has increased its air strikes against Kurdish regions in Syria, there have been several close calls in which Turkish strikes easily could have killed American servicemen or aid workers.

Turkey, meanwhile, inserts its own special forces and intelligence into Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and other proxy groups, effectively paralleling the role of the many Iranian advisors whom Tehran insisted played no combat role in Syria.

It may be diplomatically impolitic to say directly, but if Turkish-backed forces encourage terrorism and continue to pose threats to American forces countering the Islamic State (roflmao) in the region, it behooves the United States to begin a conversation about whether it may be necessary to target Turkish terror sponsors in the region. Turkey is a NATO member, but striking at its forces outside Turkey’s boundaries would not trigger NATO self-defense clauses. Nor should there be outrage at such discussion, especially when Turkey’s actions already cross the Rubicon and place American forces and interests in jeopardy.

No mention of how American forces alongside their PKK proxies jeopardize Turkish interests. Like border security. And stability in their nation- Nah, Rubin doesn’t care about that. Cause this is about remaking the region in Usraeli interests- To hell with any other nation state that gets in the way. Be it Syria. Lebanon. What is left of Palestine. Or Turkey. Irrelevant to the neo con agenda. The dead, maimed and destroyed in these conflicts are mere afterthoughts.

The best opportunity to avoid direct conflict would be to recognize the trajectory of Turkey’s aggression outside its borders and the impact of its salami-slicing tactics could endanger Americans and to let Turkey know, in the interests of conflict avoidance, what the United States will be willing to do to protect its own personnel. If Turkey is willing to kill Americans operating in pursuit of official American policy inside Syria, then the United States should adopt the same policy and be willing to kill Turks outside Turkey’s own borders. It is a hard conversation, but it is increasingly a necessary one.

Official American policy? In Syria? And what might that be? Mr Rubin doesn’t say.

Turkey’s response to Rubin’s outrageous ranting below- In my opinion the author of this oped was very diplomatic. Including giving Mr Rubin a benefit of the doubt, his rantings don’t warrant

So-called foreign policy ‘expert’ Michael Rubin calls on American troops to kill Turks

While Rubin presents his piece as a call for strategic clarity, its tone and content betray a much more hostile agenda. Rubin casts Türkiye as a destabilizing force without offering a nuanced understanding of the complex geopolitical realities at play.

The article portrays Türkiye’s military maneuvers in Syria as detrimental to both Syrian stability and American interests. However, Rubin’s framing of Türkiye’s involvement as a threat to American forces conveniently ignores the broader context in which Türkiye is operating, often in response to its own security concerns regarding PKK/YPG, which Türkiye considers a terrorist organization.

Türkiye’s actions in Syria, particularly in the northern and eastern regions, have been aimed at eliminating the threat posed by the terrorist PKK/YPG and similar groups. These groups have engaged in terrorist activities targeting Türkiye, leading Ankara to view them as major threats to its national security.

Rubin’s analysis becomes particularly problematic when he calls for a potential shift in U.S. policy that could allow American forces to strike Turkish targets. Such an approach blatantly ignores the fact that Türkiye is a NATO ally and has been a strategic partner in counterterrorism efforts.

The lack of consideration for Türkiye’s legitimate security concerns is a glaring oversight in Rubin’s narrative. Türkiye’s military operations in Syria are, in part, a direct response to attacks by groups such as the PKK/YPG, which have engaged in terrorist acts against both civilians and military personnel in Türkiye. Rubin’s piece fails to acknowledge the broader strategic and humanitarian context of Türkiye’s actions in Syria, including efforts to protect minority groups such as Kurds and Armenians who are at risk from radical groups.

The radical groups that attack other Kurds, Armenians and Assyrians in Syria are the PKK/YPG Kurds.

Rubin’s piece, steeped in aggressive rhetoric, offers a simplistic and detached view of Türkiye’s role in the region. His proposal to target Turkish forces is not only reckless but risks escalating tensions unnecessarily. Instead of promoting confrontation, the U.S. should continue to engage diplomatically with Türkiye, fostering cooperation and dialogue to address shared security concerns in Syria and beyond.

The US, Israel and their PKK/YPG allies want escalation.

4 replies on “US Should Prepare to Kill Turks in Syria- Regional Remake Progresses”

I think these wars/conflicts show us that much of the mainstream and alt media is controlled by the same people as they more or less peddle the same narratives. The right talks about mass migration into the west and its impact but at the same time they praise Israel/Zionists who are the cause of it all.
Sad that we can’t open the links to your old blog. So much knowledge in there. Glad I started coming to this blog a long time ago.
Anyway, it’s almost Christmas and I would like to wish you and your family a very merry one! Try to spend some time away from all of the madness going on in the world, even though it’s difficult, and appreciate the times we can spend with our loved ones. I certainly will be. Thanks for your continued service in dissecting and presenting the truth! It really is not too difficult to find.

Hi Ally
some of the links to my old site work, via the internet archive, but not all.
I can access them, but, that’s it. So, periodically I drag them over here.
I’ve made multiple attempts to have my old site reinstated- google never replies.

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