
The Minsk Accord 2015

We hear or read about the Minsk Accord- What is it? What’s the relevance to today? It seemed like a good time to head back to my censored site and revisit the Minsk Accord

Financial Times had published the terms in 2015- I’d posted them alongside other information in the report linked above.

  1. Immediate and comprehensive ceasefire in certain areas in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine and strict implementation of it starting at 00.00, Kiev time, February 15th, 2015.
  2. Withdrawal of all heavy weapons by both parties at equal distances to create a security zone of at least 50km from each other for artillery systems of 100mm calibre or more, a security zone 70km wide for multiple-launch rocket systems and a security zone 140km wide for multiple-launch rocket systems Tornado, Uragan, Smerch and tactical missile systems Tochka.
    For the Ukrainian troops these distances apply from the actual line of contact. For the armed forces of certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine they apply from the contact line in accordance with the Minsk memorandum of September 19th, 2014.
    Withdrawal of heavy weapons above shall begin no later than the second day after the start of the ceasefire and be completed within 14 days.
    The OSCE, with the support of the Three-Party Contact Group, will contribute to this process.
  3. The effective monitoring and verification of the ceasefire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons will be ensured from the side of the OSCE from the first day of the withdrawal, with the help of all necessary means including satellites, drones, radar systems etc.
  4. On the first day after the withdrawal a dialogue is to begin on the modalities of local elections in accordance with Ukrainian law and [in particular] Ukrainian Law ‘On the temporary regime of local government in some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions’, as well as on how these areas are to be run in the future on the basis of that law.
    Immediately and not later than 30 days from the date of signing of this document, a resolution is to be adopted in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine indicating the territories covered by the special regime in accordance with the Ukrainian Law ‘On the temporary regime of local government in some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions’, based on the line set in the Minsk memorandum of September 19th, 2014.
  5. Pardons and amnesties will be granted through the enactment of a law prohibiting the prosecution and punishment of persons in connection with the events that took place in some areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.
  6. Hostages and illegally detained persons will be released and exchanged based on the principle ‘all for all’. This process must be completed no later than the fifth day after the withdrawal.
  7. Provide secure access, delivery, storage and distribution of humanitarian assistance to the needy on the basis of an international mechanism.
  8. Determination of the modalities of the full restoration of socio-economic relations, including social transfers such as pensions and other payments (receipts and income, timely payment of all utility bills, renewal of taxation within the legal framework of Ukraine).
    To this end, Ukraine will regain control of the parts of its banking system in conflict-affected areas, and there will possibly be an international mechanism to facilitate such transfers.
  9. Restoration of full control over the state border of Ukraine by the government throughout the conflict zone, which should begin on the first day after the local elections and be completed after a comprehensive political settlement (local elections in some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions on the basis of the Law of Ukraine and constitutional reform) at the end of 2015, subject to paragraph 11 — in consultation and agreement with the representatives of individual areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions in the framework of the Three-Party Contact Group.
  10. Withdrawal of all foreign armed forces, military equipment, as well as mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine under the supervision of the OSCE. Disarmament of all illegal groups.
  11. Constitutional reform will be conducted in Ukraine, and a new constitution will enter into force by the end of 2015 which is intended as a key element of decentralisation (taking into account the special characteristics of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions as agreed with representatives of these areas). Also a permanent law is to be adopted by the end of 2015 on the special status of certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in accordance with the measures specified in Note [1].
  12. On the basis of the Law of Ukraine ‘On the temporary regime of local government in some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions’ questions regarding local elections will be discussed and agreed with certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions in the framework of the Three-Party Contact Group. Elections will be held in compliance with the relevant standards of the OSCE in monitoring by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
  13. To intensify the activities of the Three-Party Contact Group, including through the establishment of working groups to implement the relevant aspects of the Minsk Agreement. They will reflect the composition of the Three-Party Contact Group.
    Note 1:
    Such measures, in accordance with the Law ‘On the temporary regime of local government in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions’ include the following:
    — Exemption from punishment, harassment and discrimination of individuals associated with the events that took place in some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions;
    — The right to self-determination of language;
    — Participation of local governments in the appointment of heads of prosecutors and courts in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions;
    — The possibility for the central executive authorities to conclude with the relevant local authorities an agreement on economic, social and cultural development of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions;
    — The State shall support socio-economic development of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions;
    — Assistance from the central government for cross-border co-operation in selected areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and the regions of the Russian Federation;
    — The creation of people’s militia units to address local councils in order to maintain public order in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions;
    — The powers of local council deputies and officers elected in early elections, appointed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on this law, cannot be terminated.
    Signed by the participants of the Three-Party Contact Group:
    Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini
    The second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma
    Ambassador of the Russian Federation, to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov
    Alexander Zakharchenko
    Igor Plotnitsky

Had to chuckle when rereading comments there including Petro Poroshenko and Bernard Henri Levy being pictured together-


February 12, 2015 at 5:13 PM

I saw BHL and Poroshenko together in a pic, I think at Saker’s
BHL is such a disgusting individual- where he goes death and destruction follow- but keep in mind he was with Poroshenko
that may tell us something

re: the agreement- Almost ten years ago it looked to be fail


February 12, 2015 at 5:06 PM

Hi Anthony
Oddly enough I see this agreement as a big nothing, going no where, maybe I am wrong, but, I can’t see how it will make any difference at all.

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