Had I taken NATO media at face value, my beliefs would have been like this…. OMG Putin throttled Navalny with his bare hands– Fortunately, my natural skepticism prevented my acceptance of the contrived narrative. But let’s give a round of applause to the “intelligence” agencies for stating the obvious
4 replies on “Stating the Obvious: Putin Did NOT Kill Navalny”
For Putin the demise of Navalny was unwelcome. He was irrelevant in Russia, he had no party or support. He was purely a creature of western propaganda. On the other hand with his elimination westerners stood to gain talking points in the PR imagery game they feel to be so important.
I would find it more credible that Putin would have ensured the instantaneous exit of Yevgeny Prigozhin in his purge / assimilation of Wagner Group, but few people shed tears over out of control criminal mercenaries
Hi Mark
Navalny was entirely a western prop. And yes, his death gave our media endless talking points- all vapid. Yet, effective for those who accept at face value every narrative presented by the msm.
“Genocide Joe should take a good hard look in the mirror”.
You’re being too kind, Penny. If he looked in a mirror he wouldn’t have a clue who he was looking at.
As I know you know: poor, addled Joe can barely repeat the words put into his mouth. It’s shocking how long the US has gotten away with this blatant pretense of a lucid, legitimate President in the White House.
Mark Finnegan has it right: “the PR imagery game”.
It’s sad but likely true he wouldn’t recognize himself- that’s common with dementia.
If this was a President from any other nation, this farce would have long been over, but this is the US.
4 replies on “Stating the Obvious: Putin Did NOT Kill Navalny”
For Putin the demise of Navalny was unwelcome. He was irrelevant in Russia, he had no party or support. He was purely a creature of western propaganda. On the other hand with his elimination westerners stood to gain talking points in the PR imagery game they feel to be so important.
I would find it more credible that Putin would have ensured the instantaneous exit of Yevgeny Prigozhin in his purge / assimilation of Wagner Group, but few people shed tears over out of control criminal mercenaries
Hi Mark
Navalny was entirely a western prop. And yes, his death gave our media endless talking points- all vapid. Yet, effective for those who accept at face value every narrative presented by the msm.
“Genocide Joe should take a good hard look in the mirror”.
You’re being too kind, Penny. If he looked in a mirror he wouldn’t have a clue who he was looking at.
As I know you know: poor, addled Joe can barely repeat the words put into his mouth. It’s shocking how long the US has gotten away with this blatant pretense of a lucid, legitimate President in the White House.
Mark Finnegan has it right: “the PR imagery game”.
It’s sad but likely true he wouldn’t recognize himself- that’s common with dementia.
If this was a President from any other nation, this farce would have long been over, but this is the US.