
Turkish , Syrian Rapprochement Coming Soon?!

This rapprochement is one I’ve been waiting for! I’ve written about it on multiple occasions. Having previously moved older reports from my big tech censored blog here- It seemed time to move yet another one

October 2019-

Most people in the west are completely unaware of the Adana agreement- Russian leadership has been very clear with Turkey and Syria that the Adana Agreement was still in place. Both Syria and Turkey have been aware of this fact.

Including in my report above was the link to this article

Russia said on Wednesday that Syrian and Turkish military forces should work out how to cooperate in northern Syria based on the Adana accord, a 1998 security pact, the RIA news agency reported.

Moscow would be prepared to help with that cooperation, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in the southern Russian city of Sochi.

In 1998, Syria and Turkey signed an agreement in Turkey’s southern city of Adana aimed at easing Ankara’s concerns regarding the PKK terrorist group.

Sergei Lavrov

In 2019 I'd written this rapprochement was my hoped for outcome ^

What most don’t understand is when the PKK aka KurdIShIS started flowing into Syria via Iraq, with the help of their good friends in the US, Turkey saw this as a breach of the Adana agreement. Turkey responded by creating their own irregular army and entering Syria. Turkey understood the danger at their border. And decided to protect their interests.

When I first started covering the destabilization of Syria back in 2011, at my censored blog, I had no awareness of this agreement, it’s purpose and the fact of it still being in place. My lack of knowledge contributed to my not understanding the situation fully. In time it became clearer that a favourable outcome for Syria, could only be had if Syria and Turkey worked together, through a mediator, initially, in order to save both Syria and Turkey. When Putin and Lavrov started talking up this accord I began to really grasp what was being worked on. First their was the tripartite of Iran, Russia and Turkey in Astana. I’d said very often that it seemed to me Syria had joined in to the mix. Behind the scenes.

If Russia could assist Turkey, Iran and Syria in making the rapprochement work, this would be a big fancy diplomatic feather in Russia’s cap. With kudos to the leadership of the nations of Syria, Turkey and Iran for their commitments to regional stability. I was blasted for taking this stance. Attacked constantly as an Erdogan apologist- Nothing could be further from the truth.

Oh well. Been there, done that and will undoubtedly be pointlessly accused again of some other rubbish!

Today we’ve read of the agreement China brokered between Iran and Saudi Arabia- An impressive bit of diplomacy to be sure. However, I will say China had a fair bit of economic leverage to use to it’s advantage.

Russia does not have economic leverage to the extent China does. Understanding all that, in my opinion, if we see Turkey, Syria and Iran generally cooperate and agree to have good relations with one another. Securing borders etc., Russia will have pulled off an extremely impressive bit of statesmanship.

So, this is the in a nutshell version of a complex situation.

I know, you’re asking what the heck is she on about? Read below my friends. Read below.

Assad is likely to discuss rapproachment with Turkey and post-earthquake normalisation in the region during his trip to Moscow.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is to visit Moscow in mid-March, Russian officials revealed on Monday, where he is likely to discuss rapprochement with Turkey and normalisation with his Arab neighbours, experts said.

At that same time Ankara is readying a visit for this summit

A delegation from Ankara will visit Moscow next week and have technical meetings to prepare the meeting between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Turkey, Iran and Syria. The Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlut Cavusoglu, said this news at a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amirabdolahian, in Ankara, when it was announced that Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, “will soon come to Turkey” to meet with his Turkish counterpart, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In the last months, Erdogan said he was willing to meet his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al Assad with whom he broke off relations after the beginning of the conflict in Syrian in 2011.

I’ll be watching for sure. As I have been all along 🙂

Good night.

5 replies on “Turkish , Syrian Rapprochement Coming Soon?!”

Hi Penny: Thanks for keeping us so well-informed of developments in the East!
As usual, I have little that’s cogent to say about such very complicated issues — having difficulty just digesting that Canada is basically at war with Russia! — but if those countries can achieve lasting goodwill and cooperation, after all this time of defensiveness, they can be an amazing example to the whole so-called civilized world.
I look at a large map I’ve always had on my bedroom wall and see how tiny Canada and the US are compared to the vastness of the East and it seems trite, I know, to remember that song “Why can’t we be friends”, but it’s been on my mind lately …

Hi Corrine

” but if those countries can achieve lasting goodwill and cooperation, after all this time of defensiveness, they can be an amazing example to the whole so-called civilized world”

absolutely Corinne! A real example of how much better it is to cooperate and work diplomatically then to just start dropping bombs!

Penny thought you would enjoy this presentation on Garlen Nixon’s youtube channel. Makes everything sound so positive, maybe more than a little wishful but nice to hear anyway.
Is there a way to email you something like this without posting in a comment, don’t want to be off topic. Although this has to do with this your post indirectly.

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