
Quick Update: Ottawa/Convoy Deal?

CBC is reporting there is no deal

In a letter sent Saturday to Tamara Lich, one of the Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers, Mayor Jim Watson outlined his concerns around the continuing downtown occupation.

“My overarching concern is for the safety and security of our residents, business owners and workers in the downtown core, who are innocent collateral damage of this unprecedented national and international demonstration,” he wrote.

A copy purported to be Tamara’s response is available- PDF

Despite the city producing a letter from Lich agreeing to the arrangement, hours after the announcement, Lich tweeted the deal was a fake.

Perhaps it’s all in how this news is interpreted? Yes, I will continue to follow. Though I will add one observation this protest movement is vastly larger then the truckers. It has grown. Anti mandate protests occur regularly in my city. People are driving around with big Canadian flags. Or multiple small ones. Placards have begun to appear on the front of homes.

From earlier today

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