
Canada’s Totalitarian Technocracy: Feds Tracked Your Phone During Lockdowns & Will Continue Spying on You

Years and years ago (at my former site) I’d written a list of simple actions that could be taken as a method of mass non violent non compliance-
Dumping the smart phone was included in the list. Sadly, people have become
more addicted then ever to this smart (painful) device.

The mass insistence on carrying your own tracking device has made it that much easier for you to be tracked. Followed. Your where abouts known at all time. Including, but not limited to the company you keep. The excuse was the ‘pandemic’. But really any excuse will do. Think about it?

Toronto Sun

The Public Health Agency admits it tracked 33 million mobile devices to monitor the population’s movement during lockdowns, according to Blacklock’s Reporter .

The agency says cell tower locators were used to “understand the public’s responsiveness during lockdown measures.”

Oh and this tracking is set to be permanent

The reason the directive was disclosed was, according to Johnson, to “to be open and transparent.”

However, it also comes following a federal contractors’ notice that the agency will permanently introduce cell tower tracking.

“The agency will use mobility data to describe and analyze population-level trends,” said Johnson.

The Public Health Agency admits it tracked 33 million mobile devices to monitor the population’s movement during lockdowns, according to Blacklock’s Reporter .

The agency says cell tower locators were used to “understand the public’s responsiveness during lockdown measures.”

“Due to the urgency of the pandemic the Agency collected and used mobility data such as cell tower location data throughout the COVID-19 response,” said agency spokesperson Mark Johnson.

The agency says those contractors must make sure information is “cleaned and processed,” and any “demographic and population information” doesn’t name individuals. (roflmao)

It’s been proposed the program be extended for up to five more years.

Cabinet has yet to legislate any pandemic-related privacy safeguards.

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