Excerpts from a rather extensive piece. As always share a thought or two?
On 18 August 2021, Joe Biden, the president of the United States of America, announced that people who had received the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for COVID-19 would need a third dose eight months after their second doses. He later updated it to a five-month gap between the second and third doses. Israel, one of the countries with the highest vaccination coverage, is now preparing for a fourth dose of vaccines for its population. Meanwhile, India has hastily approved a DNA vaccine without fully considering possible long-term consequences.
The world over, governments have hurriedly given emergency-use authorisation for COVID-19 vaccines, relying on the preliminary data of efficacy from phase III trials. The duration of protection offered by vaccines and the catalogue of serious adverse effects will be known only after two years, once all the data from the phase III trials is available. In India, we have gone one step further and have permitted the use of vaccines with no published phase III data. This is unnecessarily risky.
Biden’s decisions about the booster doses seem to have been announced in panic, even before the US Food and Drug Administration had evaluated the need for the extra dose. Ostensibly, this decision was taken to stymie the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant of the novel coronavirus. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, was more forthcoming when she said in a press briefing that vaccine protection was waning. She said that data from Israel showed an increased risk of severe disease among those vaccinated early.
The severe disease in the vaccinated is reminiscent of what happened with a dengue vaccine a few years ago. Initially, Dengvaxia, which was made by Sanofi and launched in the Philippines in 2016, seemed to evoke a good antibody response in recipients. However, when exposed to the virus in the next dengue season, the vaccinated suffered more serious symptoms than the unvaccinated. This fiasco resulted in criminal charges against the vaccine makers in the Philippines.
The antibodies against viruses are of various types and generally act as protective agents. Most of the antibodies are usually what are called neutralising antibodies. However, some antibodies, called facilitating antibodies, paradoxically help the virus and make the condition of the patient more serious. Another type of antibodies, called binding antibodies, can cause further problems. Binding antibodies cannot eliminate the virus but they activate the “panic button” of the immune system. They stimulate cytokines in the body, which are proteins that act mediating agents in the growth and activity of cells in the immune system. If levels of neutralising antibodies fall, which they tend to do over time, the binding antibodies may cause unregulated production of such mediators and cause a cytokine storm that overwhelms the body, and result in multi-organ dysfunction and even death. The mechanism of such antibodies causing more severe disease is called antibody-dependent enhancement or ADE.
Unknown to many people, India has already patented and granted emergency-use approval to a vaccine which is a presumed solution to the problem of waning antibodies. On 24 August, the Drugs Controller General of India granted emergency-use authorisation, or EUA, to the world’s first DNA vaccine for use in humans. The Indian company Zydus Cadila developed the vaccine called ZyCoV-D, with help from the National Biopharma Mission, the National Institute of Virology and the Indian Council of Medical Research. The innovation involves injecting a formulation that contains a bit of the DNA of the virus—in this case, the genes to produce the spike protein—into the recipient. This DNA enters the nucleus of the host cell and the inserted genes direct the cell to make the antigen, that is, the spike protein. This spike protein stimulates the body to produce antibodies against itself, and hence grants protection from the viral infection.
In a press release on 1 July, the manufacturer Zydus Cadila claimed that unlike conventional vaccines made of a killed or attenuated virus, or even the latest mRNA vaccines, this DNA vaccine will not allow antibody levels to wane over time. However, there is no empirical evidence yet in the public domain to back up this claim. The DCGI granted this EUA without the company publishing data from any phase III trials that independent scientists can evaluate.
One is constrained to say this is reckless adventurism at best, and unnecessarily risks the lives of people. Once inserted into the nucleus, there is no way to switch off this process of production of alien protein in the body. The WHO has listed some risks associated with DNA-based vaccines. There is a concern, for example, that the continued expression of a foreign antigen can result in unwanted immunopathological effects such as immunosuppression and inflammation. So, anti-DNA antibodies—antibodies that recognise and bind to DNA—may precipitate diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE. Among the risks anticipated by the WHO, the most alarming is that the vaccine DNA may integrate with the host chromosome and change a person’s genome. If this occurs in reproductive cells, it can affect fertility and result in perinatal toxicity—a risk to the pregnant mother and her baby. Furthermore, the spike protein produced by the vaccine can result in abnormal clotting of blood or even death. The extent of all these risks will take years to evaluate. The granting of EUA to this vaccine, without adequate long-term testing, is deeply disturbing.
10 replies on “Like Icarus, are we flying too close to the sun with a DNA Covid Vaxx?”
Hi Pen.
Here’s a good one for you.
From Haaretz, headlined: “These Unvaccinated 10% Fuel Israel’s COVID Crisis”
and with the subheading: “In Israel, COVID is fast becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated: Of the 644 patients in serious condition on Tuesday, 73 percent were from the small population of eligible Israelis who had not received any shots”
here’s the gist of it:
10% of Israelis are unvaccinated
but 11% of the Israelis in serious condition with COVID are unvaccinated
and therefore the unvaccinated Israelis are fueling the crisis!!
It makes perfect sense as long as you don’t think about it too much.
From the mathematical point of view, the difference between 10% and 11% in a case such as this is called “statistically insignificant”. In other words, it is highly probable that a different sample (for instance statistics from a different day) would show the reverse (i. e. only 9% of the people in serious condition might be unvaccinated). But of course that sample wouldn’t merit any news whatsoever, let alone a headline.
If the PERCENTAGE of Israelis with serious COVID conditions who are unvaccinated were the same as the PERCENTAGE of Israelis who are unvaccinated (i.e. proportional representation), the NUMBER of Israelis with serious COVID conditions who are unvaccinated would be 64 or 65, not 73!
We’re not supposed to be able to do the math, and we’re not supposed to remember that 73 is not very much more than 65, and even if we can do all this, we’re not supposed to think about any of it, and that’s why I’m not bringing it to your attention.
I figure, why would I do that to you? You’re my friend!!
I wouldn’t do something like that to ANY of my friends, let alone you, Pen!
seriously ….
65 + 8 = 73
64 + 9 = 73
no no that can’t be right — forget it!
thanks for doing the math Winter 🙂
[…] Like Icarus, are we flying too close to the sun with a DNA Covid Vaxx? […]
Hi Penny:
WOW! Congratulations on your new site. I will enter it onto my blog roll. You are definitely leading the way out of the “blog” blind alley Big Tech has set up for us. Onwards and upwards!
Hey GC: I’m glad you found me okay.
I really did figure there would come a time that the other free provider make the blog inaccessible-
so I jumped from the fire into the pan.
so to speak.
thinking it was my best option
[…] Like Icarus, are we flying too close to the sun with a DNA Covid Vaxx? […]
Looks good, Penny! Will update my blog list.
Much appreciated Yaya!
I’m feeling really positive about this move-
Once I get it in shape I’ll be putting all my friendly people links up- you’ll be there 🙂
I followed the trail, and now I’m here and glad to read here. Beste wishes from Saarland in Germany close to the border to France 😉
Hey Gallier the Elder!
I’m so glad you did..(follow the trail) I’m staying put this time.
Best Wishes back to you from Canada 🙂