btw: Weekly update for tomorrow will not be taking place until October 4/21. Instead of October 1/21- 3 day delay for data update.
What you need to know up to and including September 17, 2021
16,090 Total adverse event following immunization reports (0.029% of all doses administered)
PHAC and Health Canada are actively monitoring three ongoing safety signals:
Reported cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome following vaccination with AstraZeneca Vaxzevria/COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccine. Health Canada has updated the product monograph to include information about these very rare events of blood clots associated with low levels of platelets following immunization.
Up to and including September 17, 2021, there were 81 reports of TTS that met Level 1 to 4 of Brighton
Reported cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in Canada following AstraZeneca Vaxzevria/COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccination. Data in Canada indicate a higher number of cases than would normally be expected in the general population. Health Canada has updated the AstraZeneca Vaxzevria/COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccine product monograph to include information on GBS.
Up to and including September 17, 2021, there are a total of 79 reports of GBS
Up from last weeks high of 76- 3 more persons suffering some sort of paralysis
Reported cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining around the heart) following vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Data in Canada now indicate a higher number of cases in younger people (i.e. less than 40 years of age) than would normally be expected in this age group in the general population. Health Canada updated the product monographs for both Moderna Spikevax and Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccines to include information around these risks.
Up to and including September 17, 2021, there were 774 reports of myocarditis/pericarditis. Big increase from last weeks high of 718- That’s 774 damaged hearts. Permanently damaged.
- Facial paralysis/Bell’s Palsy following COVID-19 vaccination. Health Canada has updated the product monograph for both Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty and Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccines to include information on facial paralysis/Bell’s Palsy.
474 cases has stayed the same, but, will inevitably increase as the lagging data is compiled
- Capillary leak syndrome
Up to and including September 17, 2021, there have been two reports of capillary leak syndrome
- Deaths
Up to and including September 17, 2021, a total of 191 reports with an outcome of death were reported following vaccination.
Up from last weeks high of 189 The 191 is not credible in the least.
Open Vaers/US data has the death count at 15, 386
Knowing that number is grossly under counted by at least a factor of 5 but likely a factor of 10, suggests to me that Canada’s count is under counted massively.

- As we can see the numbers going back to May 21 have changed yet again! When, if ever, will we get the real data?
*May 14/21 : Last week was at a combined total of 863. This week the total harm count is 919
*May 21/21: Total combined harm stood at…. This week the total stands at 729
*May 28/21 Last week’s count 413. This week 433. Another 20 adverse reactions
*June 04/21 Last week 482. This week 514
Every week the adverse effect numbers go up from months ago. How long is it going to take to get anywhere close to knowing the real harm being done? If ever?
It’s always admitted this data is inadequate. Not accurate. Estimated at best. Deceptive, most likely.
*Data notes
The data presented in this report are estimates and may not accurately represent national COVID-19 vaccine adverse events for the following reasons:
There may be delays in receiving reporting forms and processing reporting forms which may contribute to variations in the amount of reports presented weekly. These delays may be due to jurisdictions investigating and reviewing each adverse event prior to submitting the information to PHAC. There are also limitations to reporting practices such as underreporting, missing information, and differing adverse event reporting practices accross jurisdictions in Canada.
Information is collected on individuals for whom an report was submitted, not on the total number of individuals who experience an adverse event as not every adverse event is reported.
Despite the fact officialdumb keeps adding warnings to the vaxx.. They keep claiming it’s safe and effective. Bullbiscuits. Doesn’t stop the spread of the virus. Breakthrough cases on the rise. Very high adverse reactions. Frightening to consider long term effects. My god people! Did you catch the link in today’s previous post (below) to the WHO?
Like Icarus, are we flying too close to the sun with a DNA Covid Vaxx?
If not, let me drag a snippet that info here-
Several potential safety issues associated with administering plasmid DNA into humans are discussed below:
• The injected DNA taken up by cells of the host may integrate into the host’s chromosomes and cause an insertional mutagenic event.
• The long-term expression of a foreign antigen may result in an undesired immunopathological reaction.
• The use of genes encoding cytokines or co-stimulatory molecules may pose additional risks.
• Antibodies may be formed against the injected DNA itself and these may contribute towards undesired autoimmune reactions.
• The expressed antigen may itself have biological activity.
• Expression of other gene sequences in mammalian or bacterial cells may pose a risk.
Human experimentation on a wide scale. That’s the reality.

You can find last weeks report here.
My hope is to eventually get this all in one location
5 replies on “Canada’s Weekly Covid Vaccine Death and Injury Report”
Is it an idea to put it against the data which shows all deaths ? (don’t know if that is available)
They might be just classifying it differently or not bothering to report it.
Hi Kaz:
first thanks for coming by 🙂
can you clarify put it against all deaths?
does this mean deaths from cancer or heart disease vs covid?
or something else?
all deaths, those who might have been classified as natural death or some underlying injury death.
Because from the link I send you last. The vaccine not only weakens your immune cells which keep cancer cells down. But if the person still has an underlying scar or injury. The vaccine pretty much undo the progress the healing has made prior to the vaccine.
So its not only cancer or heart disease, its a lot lot more. The best way to handle this is to look at the stats of previous year and the year before that and compare if the deaths are. The over-death than can be contributed to the vaccine.
****The best way to handle this is to look at the stats of previous year and the year before that and compare if the deaths are significantly increased. The over-death than can be contributed to the vaccine.
[…] Last week’s report here […]