
The Scientific Benefit of Masking Kids at School Remains Unprovable

The headline was actually uncertain, but, the reality is the science is unprovable: unable to be demonstrated by evidence or argument as true or existing. It cannot be demonstrated or verified. Read on. NYMagIntelligencer At the end of May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a notable, yet mostly ignored, large-scale study of […]


Khorasan Appears/Reappears in Afghanistan!

This is curious. Khorasan was bombed by the US/Israel and GCC in Syria circa 2014. Calling this a ‘blast from the past’– get it? I know, I know puns!! Puns are fun. 😉 The name Khorasan has reappeared. And it’s caught my eye! Why?Let’s go wayback to 2014. Sept 23/2014 at the my prior abode […]


B movie Hero’s Journey & Jan 6 Coup Attempt

The Jan 6 “attack” on the US Capital was like or should be likened to the worse b movie one could ever have to suffer through.. “A B-movie is produced quickly and cheaply and is often considered to have little artistic value.” While lacking in artistic value the Jan 6 coup- B movie had great […]


Protecting the Community Standards?

Was thinking about the idea of “violating community standards”.. What are community standards? How are they defined? Who defines them? It seems to me, these days community standards are set pretty low. In the real space, we have gambling, everywhere. Drug use and addiction soaring. The drug addicted wandering the streets. ‘Massage parlours’ operating. Prostitution […]


Does the FDA think these data justify full approval of Covid Vaxx? Partial excerpts below with interesting facts bolded. On 28 July 2021, Pfizer and BioNTech posted updated results for their ongoing phase 3 covid-19 vaccine trial. The preprint came almost a year to the day after the historical trial commenced, and nearly four months since the companies announced vaccine efficacy estimates “up to six months.” […]


Cloth & Surgical Masks ONLY 10% Effective

From the University of Waterloo The authors are still spinning the value of the n-95 masks, but, bottom line.. They are verfiying what was already known and long, historically established the cloth and surgical masks are NOT effective. An alarming new study by the University of Waterloo in Canada has found that cloth and surgical masks […]


A Propaganda Masterpiece Pt2 Mark Crispin Miller

hat tip wafflestaffle!


Afghanistan- Birthing a New Order

Some of you may recall the “birth pangs” topic from my previous place? Afghanistan was the kick off for that entire remake project. 20 years ago. This symbolic withdrawal was undertaken to misdirect in advance of the anniversary date. Perhaps the 20 year mark could signify a return to Afghanistan? Repetition is so good for […]


Menticide- Making the Masses Mad

And by mad, I’m talking completely irrational and deluded. Perhaps this presentation was previously enjoyed? If not have a gander for the first time.. And if you’ve seen it? My opinion, of course, it’s worth watching again. I’ve gotten a bit more out if it after two views. Perhaps you will too?


Wither the Vaccine Passport. It’s Claimed Purpose For Being Has Ended

From earlier today CDC Tracks A Fraction of Covid Breakthrough Cases As the breakthrough cases continue to increase. In Los Angeles, Breakthrough Infections Are Now 30% Of All New Covid Cases “While continuing to profess the effectiveness of vaccines, Ferrer noted that the percentages of fully-vaccinated Angelenos being infected and hospitalized have also been rising over […]