
Netanyahu ‘if we must return to fighting, we will do that’, citing support from Biden & Trump

I’m seeing this whole ceasefire as a ploy. That’s it. That’s all. Israel is “keeping the peace” so a relatively smooth transition can be made from the Biden to the Trump administration. It’s not credible to me that Israel would give up on it’s expansionist goals.

Call me pessimistic, while keeping in mind I do hope to be wrong.

Pay attention to what Netanyahu is saying..

Benjamin Netanyahu said that the first stage of the ceasefire deal was temporary, adding: “If we must return to fighting, we will do that in new, forceful ways.”

Netanyahu, who also said that Israel’s “campaign is not over yet”, added that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden back Israel’s “right to resume fighting if the second stage is fruitless”.

The Israeli prime minister’s comments on Saturday evening come as a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas is set to take place on Sunday at 6.30 GMT.

As part of the deal, 33 of the 98 remaining Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas are expected to be freed in this phase, according to Reuters. In exchange, Israel will release approximately 2,000 Palestinians currently detained across multiple prisons.

We’re supposed to believe Trump’s pick for Middle East envoy, Steve Witkoff, was pivotal in making this happen

Trump had demanded a deal to release Israel’s hostages before he took his oath of office, and the man charged with making that happen was Steve Witkoff – a New York property developer confident that a long relationship with Trump could offset a lack of diplomatic experience

Witkoff, who is Jewish, made clear that would not be happening. Trump was in a hurry – and he wanted to get on with the mission.

Who are Mike Huckabee and Steve Witkoff

Huckabee is a dangerous crackpot, in my opinion.

Steven Witkoff

Steven Witkoff, who was named on Tuesday as the incoming administration’s Middle East envoy, raised a vast amount of money for Mr. Trump’s campaign — including from Jewish voters

When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel addressed Congress in July, Mr. Witkoff was in the audience.

When Biden claimed to stop the flow of US weapons to Israel, if they entered Rafah, but didn’t, Trump’s Pro Israel fundraising accelerated

“Every one of my friends started calling and asking, ‘What can I do for Donald Trump?’” Witkoff, a pro-Israel donor and fundraiser for Trump’s presidential campaign, told The Bulwark.

Witkoff and the Trump campaign had been waiting for these calls ever since October 7

“It was a notable shift,” Witkoff said. “I personally received and helped secure large Jewish donors over the last two weeks . . . and I’m not talking four-figure donations. I’m talking six-figure and seven-figure donations.”

I’m not a believer in the authenticity of this agreement or the bona fides of the US envoy, Israel will renege in very short order

13 replies on “Netanyahu ‘if we must return to fighting, we will do that’, citing support from Biden & Trump”

So Hamas has 98 hostages but Israel has 2,000?! Yet they have been banging on about bringing the Israeli hostages home!

Hey Ally
I believe, but, could be incorrect that Israel actually holds more than 2000 Palestinian prisoners. This was just the number agreed to for this ceasefire.

-I’ve also read the the IDF booby trapped homes before the return and some people had already been injured by these traps

– There are also news reports- talk of moving Palestinians to Indonesia to “rebuild” Gaza
“The question of how to rebuild Gaza remains, as does where to relocate some two million Palestinians at the same time. According to the source, Indonesia is a possible host country being discussed where some of the Palestinians could be sent. The question of whether the Gazans would be willing to relocate for a while also arose.
The idea of relocation is controversial among Palestinians and their Arab counterparts. Many believe that relocation would be the first step in Israel forcing them to leave their land.”

That would obviously be the plan, relocate the Palestinians for greater Israel expansion

There were false rumours spread by Kurdish propagandists on social media that Turkey was placing Palestinians in Northern Syria to change the demographics and make it less ‘Kurd’. As if the population of North Syria was ever mostly Kurd!
I wonder why Indonesia would accept this as they are a Muslim country and most of its people are pro-Palestine. This would effectively help Israel cleanse them out of Palestine and take it for good.
I agree with your article. Israel is not giving up at all. They will go on. Who will be the one to stop them?

In all my years of following the Syrian situation it’s very clear and has been made clear, repeatedly, that Turkey is attempting to return the Syrian refugees that flooded into the country when the US and their proxies entered Syria (stealing land and resources)

It wouldn’t make any sense to put Palestinians in Syria when there are plenty of Syrian Arabs in Turkey who have been cleansed out of their towns and would like to return. By placing Palestinians in Syria, Turkey would also be aiding Israel in ethnic cleansing.

It’ll make for some cataclysmic footage if Israel succeeds in rounding up Palestinians, loading them in cattle cars bound for whatever interment camp. History will have come full circle again and I hope never to see that day.

I think this is what we are already witnessing Mark! And they dehumanize them so much on social media. Saying that there are no innocents in gaza, only terrorists!
And Penny: I think we have written about the topic of the Holocaust before. What is your opinion of it? Do you believe everything we are told? Many countries actually prohibit people from denying it. You have any info/books/blogs about this?

Talking about the Holocaust is like asking for yourself to be censored and possibly imprisoned- We did talk about that a bit at my old site. Someone mentioned a man named Faurisson and what happens/ed when academia challenges official narratives

He was brutally beaten by some zionist thugs- I believe more than once and ostracized,completely.

“Dr. Robert Faurisson has served as a respected professor of twentieth-century French literature and document criticism for over four years at the University of Lyon-2 in France. Since 1974 he has been conducting extensive historical research into the “Holocaust” question.

Since he began making his findings public, Professor Faurisson has been subject to a vicious campaign of harassment, intimidation, slander and physical violence in a crude attempt to silence him. Fearful officials have even tried to stop him from further research by denying him access to public libraries and archives.”

So, one thing I will say about this history and all history.. it is written by the victors- in order to control the present and build a certain desired future

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell

Conclusion- Question everything

It is rather hard to question when next to nothing can be found and everything is censored. Looked up this man and cannot find any of his work.
Yes, it is something I do question though

I would expect that his research has been disappeared
He is not the only one that questioned the narrative around the Holocaust-
David Irving was another one, political and military historian- when he questioned the narrative- he was immediately tried as a holocaust denier
Suffering the same fate as Dr. Robert Faurisson-

“It is rather hard to question when next to nothing can be found and everything is censored”

The fact that everything is censored is one good reason to question the narrative- Truth fears no investigation

Hey Mark,
I have a new post set to publish at 7:00 pm EST
A piece from Haaretz
The ban on TikTok was brought in to keep the coverage hidden regarding what was taking place in Palestine- the Israeli’s lost the PR war large
I don’t want to see anyone rounded up- but am afraid history will come full circle

How come TikTok has been banned in serveral other countries as well e.g. Jordan, China, Iran?
The US is a dictatorship!
I read in an article today that the West is bolstering its support to Armenia so expect to see more trouble in Azerbaijan and on Russia/Turk’s doorstep

I was unaware that TikTok had been banned in other countries? Particularly China.

The West had moved into Armenia some time ago with the intention of pulling Armenia into it’s sphere of influence (away from Russia) and yes the trouble is already beginning
Pashinyan was always a western backed puppet
I’ve written a bit about this topic already- had at my old site as well

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