
Lich/Barber Trial- Ottawa Police Held the Line!

Link to video clip at Caryma Sa’ad’s Twitter

Lawrence Greenspon does a media scrum after day two of a multi-week trial. Give it a listen!

As we head into day 3 of the trial and the prosecution presents it’s case, cracks in the official narrative are beginning to appear. Which should surprise no one.

The infamous line “not one inch” that had seemingly been attributed to convoy leaders often in tandem with “hold the line” was in all actuality the stance of the Ottawa Police.

We can see that Global News obfuscates what “not one inch” refers to and whose edict that actually was. By making a vague headline they are encouraging their readership to assume this was the stance of the convoy organizers. It was not. It was the stance of Ottawa police higher ups.

Day 2 of ‘Freedom Convoy’ trial hears police were told: ‘Not one inch’

Working with the Police Liaison Team (PLT), Lucas said there were plans to try and move some vehicles from congested intersections like Rideau and Sussex to gaps on Wellington Street.

Once I put the proposal through the chain of command, we were given the direction to give them “not one inch,” so that undermined the work of the PLT,”

Lucas clarified for the court that he understood that order came from Peter Sloly, who was chief at the time.

Lucas told the court that there were no flags on the behaviour of those in the convoys. He referenced positive interactions with police on the route to Ottawa, including obliging with a request to divert the convoy due to a police operation on the route.

Hubby and I protested this tyranny at the local level. Yes, we made signs and froze our buttocks off. There was no choice given the level, the absurd level of abuse and discrimination that was being dished out towards those that didn’t bow to the edicts of a governmental over reach. Canada was a dystopic nightmare. We still have our signs.

Too many lies. Too much abuse. It was and remains to this day a shocking episode in Canada’s history.

2 replies on “Lich/Barber Trial- Ottawa Police Held the Line!”

This trial proceeds to our ever lasting shame as a nation and a democracy. Had the government but deigned to meet with the demonstrators, at any point, and allowed them to voice their concerns the whole episode would have ended in traditional Canadian fashion with the “insurgents” arm in arm with policemen all singing old Bob
Dylan songs against the cold winter backdrop. Instead we got ” The Charge of the Light Brigade ” and a show trial so we can imitate our southern neighbours and have our own pale imitation of ” The Assault
on Democracy. ”
Canada used to have a good reputation for decency and peacekeeping, now we are known for woke madness and Chrystia Freeland. It sticks in my craw.

Hi Mark
I’ve been following and it looks like the crown is up to tricks! Dirty tricks. The didn’t disclose evidence to the defence, that they’ve suddenly brought into the courtroom-

You get the vibe too? A January 6th type show trial in Canada- Good for the true believer crowd, but, not good for the rest of us.

The woke madness comment- aargh. Canada is fulll on insane!

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