
Why do so few accept that lockdown was like burning down your home to destroy a wasp’s nest?

The most obvious answer is… those that supported lock down refuse to see how wrong they were. Acknowledge the massive harm they are responsible for. And vow to never do that again!

And perhaps those that complied and reported on others don’t want to admit their love of big brother is stronger than the love of oneself, one’s family and their community?

They don’t care if jobs were lost and people were harmed. The don’t care that people couldn’t see loved ones. That the elderly lay dying alone. They only cared to be safely snuggled in the oppressive grip of pharma promoting big brother

Peter Hitchens


It ought to weigh heavily on the anti-panic side of the scales. I hope it will. But will it resolve anything? I have my doubts.

I still meet plenty of people who insist that our only national mistake was not to lock down harder and sooner than we did. This is why I am quite sure many of those who supported these moves will never abandon their position.

Those of us who, like me, took the other view, are unlikely to shift either. Why is this?

I have come to the conclusion that it is really about whether people like being bossed about for their own good, or whether they do not. A surprising number of us turn out to love Big Brother. Not only could these illiberal types not get enough of doom-packed propaganda, decrees urging them to stay at home, keep their distance and wear masks, but they were sorry when it ended.


People die all the time. It is very sad, and often avoidable, but it was not — at the scale we were experiencing — a reason to close society and the economy.

It was fascinating how little effect it had. Almost everyone I knew actively preferred to be terrified, as if they longed for Big Brother to enfold them in his strong and loving arms.

The fear porn loving LARPers definitely enjoyed this ride-

3 replies on “Why do so few accept that lockdown was like burning down your home to destroy a wasp’s nest?”

” A surprising number of us turn out to love Big Brother. ”

I’ve often wondered how 50 armed guards can load 4000 people onto boxcars for ” re-settlement.”

I corrected the title of the post as well!
Must have been wishful thinking on my part that many would see the error of their ways rather than the few

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