In my opinion… absolutely worth listening to!
Consider the information that is being presented in this discussion alongside all the information previously placed here.
It couldn’t be any clearer the ‘vaccine’ is an unmitigated disaster for humans. And it’s not a vaccine. At best ?? the jab is a therapeutic or treatment and treatments are never mandated.
It is not mandatory to take high blood pressure meds or statins which are ‘therapeutics’ aka treatments. Same as the jab is now being claimed to be.
People should be up in arms at the abuse they’ve been subjected to.
2 replies on “Dr Harvey Risch- Interview”
I don’t need anyone to tell me what this so called “vaccine” was intended to do. I did not need to listen to what the media was saying or what the doctors were saying. I did, however, listen to what the media and the doctors were saying so that I could poke holes in their stories.
Long age, by listening to what the vaccine manufacturers were saying including reading one of their reports to determine for myself what “vaccine efficacy” meant with respect to covid-19, I came to my own conclusion that this was not a vaccine as we used to know it but rather a preemptive treatment for a disease that I might never get.
The vaccine manufacturers, as a result of the studies they funded, did not claim that their vaccine prevented getting the disease. They did claim, however, once you get the disease the vaccine enabled your body to better fight the disease thus preventing hospitalization or death. Their “vaccine efficacy” percentages were based on about a one and a half better percentage of not getting the disease when you participated in one of the studies they funded. In their studies, if you were not vaccinated, you had about a 98 percent chance of not getting they disease during the duration of the study and if you had their vaccine you had about a 99 1/2 percent of not getting the disease during the duration of the study. To me, this seemed like a very small gain for taking a “vaccine” that simply had not had enough time to determine what it’s long term effects might be.
Gary + Wilson:
“Long age, by listening to what the vaccine manufacturers were saying including reading one of their reports to determine for myself what “vaccine efficacy” meant with respect to covid-19, I came to my own conclusion that this was not a vaccine as we used to know it but rather a preemptive treatment for a disease that I might never get.”
Hi Gary,
the problem is.. there are not enough people like you or me around.
We don’t have people willing to determine for themselves, to read, to inform. The vast majority just want to be told what to do.. to be led.
They believe that their safety, security, their health and well being etc., is in the hands of some one else- the others- the authority- whom ever they believe is the righteous- this ‘follow the science’ mantra has done horrific damage to the masses- since they don’t understand this is not and has not been science. It has been sales, politics and business.
As usual I must add. Until people wake up to that reality, I’m going to have to keep hammering away at the fragile veneer of their beliefs