The top official in Russian-annexed Crimea said on Wednesday that the FSB security service had broken up what he described as a six-person terrorist cell of a banned Islamist group, a day after explosions rocked one of Russia’s military bases there.
“All of them are detained. The activities of the terrorists were coordinated, as one would expect, from the territory of the terrorist state of Ukraine,” Sergei Aksyonov, the official, said on Telegram.
В Джанкое и Ялте нейтрализована ячейка террористической организации «Хизб ут-Тахрир аль-Ислами» (запрещена на территории РФ), в которой состояли шесть человек. Все они задержаны. Деятельность террористов координировалась, как и следовало ожидать, с территории террористического государства Украина. Киевский режим пытается использовать любые возможности для дестабилизации ситуации в Крыму. Но каждый успех наших спецслужб уменьшает шансы наших врагов достичь своих целей. Благодарю сотрудников ФСБ за профессиональную и эффективную работу.
In Dzhankoy and Yalta, a cell of the terrorist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami (banned on the territory of the Russian Federation), which consisted of six people, was neutralized. All of them are detained. The activities of the terrorists were coordinated, as one would expect, from the territory of the terrorist state of Ukraine. The Kyiv regime is trying to use every opportunity to destabilize the situation in Crimea. But each success of our intelligence agencies reduces the chances of our enemies to achieve their goals. I thank the FSB officers for their professional and efficient work.
Hizb ut-Tahrir appears to be affiliated with Uighers in the UK- where they are not banned- Jihadi John being a member, follower, believer- whatever of this group- Pretty sure readers here are aware of who Jihadi John is? If not, a brief reminder- Part of a 4 person terror cell known as “The Beatles” Jihadi John was the beheader of the bunch.
Hizb ut- Tahrir has branches globally. Active in Australia as well. Is a political party? Was founded in Jerusalem in 1953
Hizb ut-Tahrir has been banned in Bangladesh, China, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia, and all Arab countries except Lebanon, Yemen and the UAE. In July 2017, the Indonesian government revoked Hizb ut-Tahrir’s legal status, citing incompatibility with government regulations on extremism and national ideology.