Wanted to ensure my Canadian compatriots are aware that the GG had to sign off on this order for it to come to an end. The Governor General is the Queen’s representative in Canada, for those who may not be aware and she did sign off on the order Wednesday afternoon.
4 replies on “Governor- General Signed Off on Emergency Order”
I’m finally getting notifications when you post Penny. Must have clicked on the right icon. So, we’ll never find out for sure what the Senate vote would have been. Just like we don’t really know how [un]popular the PM is; How many Canadians are unvaxxxZinated…or even how many hits our blogs get, eh? That’s the way the cookie crumbles here in Kanada.
I’m glad to read that GC! So Trudeau is actually going to run again?!
He’s shameless.
Trudeau’s career is over. But I hope that you Canadians don’t let him get off scot-free. He and every person who pushed all the scam need to languish and die in jail. A firing squad would be best.
Finally a win in Ontario court Feb. 24/2021.
Mother wins case not to vax her children vs father’s case to vax the kids. Well worth reading the judge’s ruling.
https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onsc/doc/2 … c1198.html