Every so often I feel the need to go back to my censored blog and find a report that validates reality and demonstrates the fallacies inherent in the main stream narrative. There was never any science that proved social distancing reduced infections. The much is obvious after nearly two years of “pandemic”
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Link via the wayback
Who among us could forget when the CBC simply cut Dr Kettner off as he questioned the narrative that was presented. Dam inconvenient for the pushers of hysteria! Transcript here
From May 09/2020

Link to the 2008 study here
Conclusions. FRI rates were not reduced in units that were closed to potentially contagious individuals. These findings imply that the primary source of the pathogen is likely environmental rather than human, and they underscore what is known about other virus types. Diligence in identifying the relative roles of different transmission routes is suggested for civilian settings similar to those described in the current study.
Reports of the real and factual type that contradicted the pharma friendly/totalitarian narrative are the reason google censored my previous site.
2 replies on “Flashback: Infection Rates Not Reduced by “Social Distancing””
Measures and requirements that are highly visible
but do not actually have any meaningful impact
besides that of changing behaviour are also known as
“security theatre”.
noticing the claim in your linked article – spread from person to person
“Person-to-person contact is the most common way infectious diseases are spread.”
a claim just out there to imply the need for social distancing
which directly contradicts the study linked in my flashback:
” FRI rates were not reduced in units that were closed to potentially contagious individuals. These findings imply that the primary source of the pathogen is likely environmental rather than human, and they underscore what is known about other virus types.”
“Measures and requirements that are highly visible
but do not actually have any meaningful impact
besides that of changing behaviour are also known as
“security theatre”.
clearly the social distancing had no meangful impact other then to alter behaviour- increasing anti social activities- what a way to screw with peoples minds!