Why, oh why, would the New York Times have engaged in such blatant fear mongering? I can’t imagine any credible reasons for doing so.
I can, however, propose other reasons for their engaging in what appears to be intentionally deceptive behaviour. It seems very likely to me that they’re advancing the cause of child hood experimentation aka pushing the vaxx, so big pharma can make ever larger profits. From the vaxx and from all the subsequent heart damage alongside whatever other syndromes will arise from this vaxx. We really should be questioning all the numbers presented by the media.. ALL OF THEM.
The New York Times was forced to issue a correction admitting it had inflated the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations of children by more than 800,000.
You can read the bogus NYT’s claim at the wayback machine
Relevant quote below:
“Nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized with Covid-19 since the pandemic began..”
Followed by:“All the data that we have so far suggests the disease itself is significantly worse than the vaccine side effects,” Dr. Duchin said. Given all of that, a small risk of myocarditis is well worth taking, he said, and two doses are justified.”
Pushing the vaxx and all that ensuing harm& damage on young people- Way to go NYT’s (facetious)
The Times published an article Wednesday discussing the possibility of single-dose COVID-19 vaccines for children. In the original version, reporter Apoorva Mandavilli wrote that “[n]early 900,000 children have been hospitalized with Covid-19 since the pandemic began.”
On Thursday, the Times corrected the article to say that “[m]ore than 63,000 children were hospitalized with Covid-19 from August 2020 to October 2021.”
The correction represents a hospitalization number that is 14 times lower than the original version claimed.
“How did an error that large happen, @NYTimes?” Pluribus editor Jeryl Bier asked in a tweet on Friday.
Original: “Nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized with Covid-19 since the pandemic began…”
Corrected: “More than 63,000 children were hospitalized with Covid-19 from August 2020 to October 2021…”
It’s like the media, working for their big pharma partners, is okay with this mass heart damage done to young persons. Meds would be required to treat this, possibly for life? Profits before care and why am I getting a distinct eugenics vibe. You?
2 replies on “New York Times Inflates Number of Children Hospitalized 14 times!”
Maybe a different perspective.
They might still think after all the dishonest reporting they might have caught onto that what they are doing now, is for the greater good.
I don’t discount the urge of slightly corrupt people trying to do something good to feel better about themselves. However with how reporters are these days its. They are paving a road to hell with good intentions.
It feels like they are collaborating and there might be a high probability that that assumption is correct. However, people who know the whole story are not zealots, people who think they are on the right side of the story are. Which unfortunately, is an awful lot
Hi Kaz:
It really does come of as collaboration between the media, state and Big Pharma, and considering all the doors that revolve between the 3 entities it’s not hard to believe they are working hand in glove.
And yes those on board with all this are terrific zealots.