Considering the hasty advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan it has to be understood that there is support on the ground for this group and it’s leadership among the mass populace. The US did nothing to impede this re establishment from taking place likely because they have their own reasons for staying out of the […]
Tag: US
This was quite predictable. In fact I’d expressed concern about this after catching the sudden reappearance of the terror group called Khorasan. Earlier today there were warnings issued by US/UK that this was a very real possibility and they had specifically named Khorasan. I could barely believe my eyes! And yet I could! CBS “The […]
This is curious. Khorasan was bombed by the US/Israel and GCC in Syria circa 2014. Calling this a ‘blast from the past’– get it? I know, I know puns!! Puns are fun. 😉 The name Khorasan has reappeared. And it’s caught my eye! Why?Let’s go wayback to 2014. Sept 23/2014 at the my prior abode […]
The Jan 6 “attack” on the US Capital was like or should be likened to the worse b movie one could ever have to suffer through.. “A B-movie is produced quickly and cheaply and is often considered to have little artistic value.” While lacking in artistic value the Jan 6 coup- B movie had great […]
Afghanistan- Birthing a New Order
Some of you may recall the “birth pangs” topic from my previous place? Afghanistan was the kick off for that entire remake project. 20 years ago. This symbolic withdrawal was undertaken to misdirect in advance of the anniversary date. Perhaps the 20 year mark could signify a return to Afghanistan? Repetition is so good for […]