Or pennyforyourthoughts2?
Would you believe it was the ‘long and winding road’ that finally brought me here?
Seriously though, it was a rather serendipitous series of events that saw me jump with both feet landing firmly in a place of my own.
Why would I use choose the the word ‘serendipitous‘? After all the super censors of the internet disappeared more than a decade of solid work/research at the blog I’d worked on since 2008.
Thankfully the site is still accessible to myself, enabling the sharing of an abundance of valuable information! I do have to sign in to access my work, but, so far it’s still there.

You may be thinking serendipitous is an odd word choice, as it is usually associated with positive developments, right? Yes, it is! Now you all know I”m viewing this move as a positive development. Therefore, serendipitous it is!
For more insight.- Serendipity as chaos or discovery –
An update for readers- You, yes you, can follow along with new posts or comments. Just check the box below the reply box featured with every report. It’s that easy! The choice is yours.
Updated this intro June 10/22
August 21/22 : I’ve run this site for nearly a year now. 11 months to be exact. My intention is to continue that which began in ’08. Hope all of you will be here with me. Thank You