I’m serious. Nothing of any significance. He threatened and blustered away. Put on a great show. While Mexico and Canada’s leadership played along, to help him save face. After doing some reading this morning about the border patrol services here in Canada..
Additionally the economies of the 3 nations are so integrated through the free trade agreements, his demands, had he carried them through would have been extremely costly, to Americans.
This is my conclusion at this time. Then I stumbled across the article below, which summarizes nicely.
Trump got what he wanted with the Canada and Mexico tariff pauses — even if he didn't get that much
US President Donald Trump has just shown the world how the Art of the Deal works.
The tariffs were initially set to take effect on Tuesday. But after an early morning stock market downturn on Monday, talks with Canada and Mexico resulted in a 30-day tariff delay.
In exchange for the pause, Mexico agreed to deploy 10,000 National Guard troops to its northern border to curb illegal activities. Canada agreed toa set of initiatives
targeting drug trafficking, money laundering, and border security.
The US is trading off, too
While Trump’s deals with Canada and Mexico may have been swift, the tradeoff is ill will toward the US in both countries and uncertainty in the international trade order.
Yup, the stock market tanked and Trump is generating loads of ill will globally.
“The trade rules are valuable because they create a predictability and certainty for countries and for companies that do business in North America and in the world,” said Edward Alden, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “And to mess with those rules for no good reason is truly irresponsible.”
“He has no evidence to show he is able to use tariffs to achieve significant concessions, economic or otherwise,” he added.
Some experts said the agreements could have been achieved without threatening tariffs.“Using the issues around fentanyl and illegal immigration to justify a trade war is somewhat bizarre,” said Romel Mostafa, an assistant professor in economics and public policy at the Ivey Business School in Ontario. “It seems like we put the cart before the horse here, which is we basically went into this tariff imposition and counter-tariffs and then came to the discussion table.”
Alden said the agreements are “not in the slightest” a significant concession because the Mexican government has long had an interest in cracking down fentanyl smuggling and better controlling its border. As for Canada, he pointed to data from the US Customs and Border Protection showing that the northern neighbor accounts for just 0.2% of US border fentanyl seizures.
data from the US Customs and Border Protection showing that
the northern neighbor accounts for just 0.2% of US border fentanyl seizures.
“The bigger question is whether potentially we could come back again a month later and there could be other demands coming in,” Mostafa said of Trump’s actions.
China and Fentanyl
China has said fentanyl is the US’ own problem and that Beijing would challenge the tariffs at the World Trade Organization.
“The US needs to view and solve its own fentanyl issue in an objective and rational way instead of threatening other countries with arbitrary tariff hikes,” a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Sunday.
I think the US, like Canada, needs to solve it’s fentanyl and opioid issue itself, as well. It’s a domestic issue, needing to be solved within it’s own borders.
14 replies on “Trump Got Nothing from Canada & Mexico”
Looks like Mexico is allowing the US military to gear up for potential action against out-of-control Mexican drug cartels, with the first step involving the collection of signals intelligence (SIGINT) through surveillance flights over cartel-controlled territories in Mexico.
Part of the tariff trade off?
Is this something new or different?
I find the American concern for drug trafficking so curious- as they’ve trafficked more globally than most others- Iran/Contra
Air America
via The golden triangle until Afghanistan took center stage, while fully occupied.
Front page of the Globe and Mail- Trump got pretty much exactly what the Trudeau gov had been offering for the past month anyway
None of this is particularly new, and most of the agreements that supposedly inspired the tariff delay were already in place. Canada touted the placement of 8,500 border enforcement personnel in December 2024. The $1.3 billion border plan touted by Trump was also announced in December, more than a month before he assumed office. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote on Tuesday that nearly 10,000 personnel “are and will be” working on the border, indicating that nothing is new here.
That’s the general reporting on the Trump/Canada Tariff dispute
Hi Penny:
How to lose the war on drugs: keep doing what you are doing.
How to win the war on drugs: stop worrying about the supply side, worry about what is influencing the demand side.
Does anyone even know what is the fundamental cause influencing the demand side?
“worry about what is influencing the demand side”
that’s my thinking-
I’d guess the fundamental cause influencing demand is impoverishment, unhappiness, unemployment, homelessness. stuff like that!
Hi Penny:
I would suggest that the causes you listed contribute to the demand side but none are the fundamental cause.
I’m all eyes (can’t say ears)
It’s malnutrition. Most people associate malnutrition with starvation. I assume that those people are not aware that you can consume lots of food but their diet is still short of essential nutrients. That is also malnutrition. The result of this is often aberrant behaviour as well as diseases.
If you get your food in a grocery store in Canada or the US, you are malnourished. That is because all the food in these stores was created for maximum yield. The late soil scientist, William Albrecht, PhD, provided the evidence back in the middle of the last century that the goal of modern agricultural was maximizing yield and that scientific testing revealed that although the yield increased, the nutritional value of the food produced went down as there was more carbohydrate in the food with less protein in the total crop.
The consequences of a deficient diet are well illustrated in Weston Price’s book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”. Price also provides evidence that mental degeneration is also a consequence of a deficient diet.
Thanks to you and Kaz for your replies on the other post.
Back to Europe: more shootings in Sweden. People suspecting it’s a Muslim/immigrant but some have started saying it’s a white male.
More division being sown between people
thanks ally, will read tomorrow in the morning!
Trish Wood (former CBC reporter) latest podcast with Julius Ruechel
my morning is filling in nicely!
HI Penny,
I finally found you after so long looking!!
I look forward to some good reading over the next while.
The Australian Gov is playing along nicely with it’s “outrage” at drumpfs tariffs etc.. and I have a idea how this plays out, but will wait and watch x
Big loves x A13
Hey, long time no see or read!!
I’ve got some family things going on at this time, so the next couple days might be slow, but (Terminator talk) I’ll be back