Donald Trump poisoned the well, by immediately stating the helicopter/plane crash was a DEI issue. When, it’s an altitude issue according to earliest data available. But, hey, when you have DEI you can obfuscate the possible connection to drug use, pilot error etc., Trump is as adept at playing identity politics as Trudeau.
The Black Hawk helicopter that collided with a passenger jet near Washington, D.C., last week may have been
flying higher than the maximum altitude for its training mission, authorities say.
National Transportation Safety Board investigators have determined the CRJ700 airplane was at 325 feet, plus or minus 25 feet, at the time of impact. The information was based on data recovered from the jet’s flight data recorder that tracks the aircraft’s movements, speed and other technical information.
Just before impact, the crew aboard the American flight had a “verbal reaction,” according to the plane’s cockpit voice recorder, and flight data shows the plane’s nose began to rise, NTSB investigator Brice Banning said.
10 replies on “Black Hawk helicopter’s altitude at issue; families of crash victims ‘want answers’”
the tariff situation is over the top- local mayors in Niagara are behind Doug Ford
Trump said he’d make life better for Americans, so far, not so good.
I actually got called a “Jeet” today at twitter for pointing out the hypocrisy- Apparently I’m a jeet in fear of deportation?
I don’t like that type of talk, because it’s dehumanizing. People should be able to exchange ideas without resorting to that type of tactic.
And my empire loyalist side of the family would be furious. Off topic but Trump is quite divisive
With all due respect Penny,
From my observation, Trump is a man of show business. That means that he needs to be able to feel the audience and act in a way that it resonates with the people. Figures like him has come and past in history multiple times.
So what I am essentially saying. Trump is the verbal expression of the American voters. And with him in charge all the brakes which had been applied throughout the decade has come off. You mention that Trump is quite divisive, but has the majority of American history be any different.
As a side note, weird slang to use ? The practice to use proper words proves to be a challenge these days. Anyway from the small time I spend searching for the word; I think I found something which might be in the alley of the meaning which is someone who is figuratively “jumping of the boat prematurely”?
“You mention that Trump is quite divisive, but has the majority of American history be any different.”
True enough.
I’m not entirely sure what a “jeet” is- I’m assuming it’s a reference to Indians or Pakistanis? That’s my impression?
I don’t like that type of language at all- it’s gross and dehumanizing. it’s disgusting.
could have something to do with jumping of the boat prematurely, I really don’t know?
If anyone else does, enlighten me?
I looked at it a bit further. It seems to come from “pajeet” which is a meme mocking Indians. The hubris to contaminate language with such filth….
While I have misgivings with regards to Indians and India. To reduce oneself to by using such language is like descending into savagery.
In social media there are just people out there attempting to drag people down for a mud fight.
“To reduce oneself to by using such language is like descending into savagery.”
Well put. Very well put!
Trump is divisive , my sister has turned into Attila the Hun about him. As Kaz seems to say he is what the ancient Greeks call a demagogue, every statement to shock and titillate, always campaigning for popularity, adulation and attention. ( I never realized that such immature narcissism could come to a bursting point. )
Penny, don’t let twitter fools chatter upset you. I have been called far worse by better people who don’t have to use ill defined made up words.
What do you think “Jeet” means? Is it profane? Your mention of loyalist ancestry intrigues me.
Narcissism and gaslighting- OMG! From Trump
I explained in my comment to Kaz what I think it is, but, don’t really know?
One side of the house, my ancestry goes back to the Empire Loyalists a specific family, name, which I know. My great grandmother, who passed in 1985, at the age of 90. (born 1895) was a very proud Empire Loyalist She had stories of the battles waged alongside the natives here in Niagara. Ambushes and like. It would have been her ancestors that told her about all this.
She maintained her fees and had her certificate proudly displayed-. I recall it well. Her daughter, my Grandmother was proudly quiet, and told me I could pay my dues and get some sort of certification through the line. I never have.
I’m full of all sorts of family history from people who cared enough to keep track and tell me their stories. It’s pretty cool.
One of my grandparents was a “home boy” now that’s a tragedy, though most of them wouldn’t say it was. Too proud. Too hardworking. Canada should hang it’s head in shame for what happened to way too many of those children.
Mark, if you don’t mind
How has your sister turned into Attila the Hun (pro fanatic or anti fanatic)
I think most people who’ve long roots in Niagara have loyalist ancestry? At least I think so.It’s surreal sometimes when your in the Falls and battle sites are plainly marked- other battle sites as well- like the raid on shorthills
Then the military forts as well
You think about the people, from whom your descended fighting and dying, for their cause- It’s strange.
Do you have loyalist ancestry?
1. My sister radicalized (in an all talk innocuous Canadian way) into a vocal anti-Trump crusader. I think she was insulted by her discovery of the notion of tariffs (sanctions) and felt betrayed by old friends. Further she claims that ‘everybody’ in Quebec feels that way. She also has a longer standing revulsion of Trump’s perceived personality and decorum.
2. I have read lots about the various American incursions into Niagara and have visited many skirmish sites from Quebec City to Windsor/Detroit. Tecumseh should be on the toonie and we should teach more about the glorious naval battles on Lake Ontario and Erie. As you know, it wasn’t only in 1812.
3. Ancestry ? A question I ignore. I was adopted 1956 from the Sally Ann Hospital in Vancouver, from parts unknown. In a sense another ‘home boy’ if I understood how you used that term. But we all have that grand Britannic Loyalist notion in our DNA if we were lucky enough to grow up in Canada. in simpler times.
Yes, I’m referencing orphaned children as it’s commonly perceived.
“Home Boy” is a reference to the English children sent here to work, at very, very young ages. Many, but not all were orphans, in fact it was later discovered that most were not orphaned. However poverty was rampant and England wanted to rid itself of as many impoverished children as possible.
I have copies of some documentation and a digital archive of my Grandfather’s assignments.
Makes me sad, really. His hard life, resulted in a too early death. I saw him in pictures and in the face of my now deceased mom.
“But we all have that grand Britannic Loyalist notion in our DNA if we were lucky enough to grow up in Canada. in simpler times.”
I agree with that