
Black Hawk directly hit Passenger Plane- Go Pills a factor??

This is going to annoy some- But, what came to my mind when seeing the flight tracking of the helicopter was the flight crew was possibly playing “chicken” with passenger planes. While on drugs. The black hawk crew nearly collided with three other planes prior to finally directly hitting the plane that crashed along with the helicopter

Playing chicken is an idiom – to engage in dangerous or risky behavior to determine who is the bravest

Go Pills/No Pills- Stimulants and Sleep Aids in Military


Video of the helicopter’s flight path on a tracker website sparked concern online as it was seen flying near three other aircraft right before the crash
Some even called the Black Hawk’s movement “erratic” as it curved to fly along the river and appeared to nearly intersect multiple planes.

It’s like a poorly kept secret- Amphetamine use among American military pilots is rampant and well documented, though not often addressed in a public manner.

Remember this- US Pilots Took Amphetamines before ‘friendly fire’ incident

The drugs, commonly known as “go-pills,” are standard issue in the U.S. Air Force to help pilots stay awake during long combat missions.

The pilots involved in the “friendly fire” incident, Maj. Harry Schmidt and Maj. William Umbach, say they were told by their superiors they could be found unfit to fly unless they took the pills.

On the night of April 17, both pilots took the pills before their mission over Afghanistan.

It was then, under the full influence of the amphetamine pills, that the two pilots spotted weapons fired near the Kandahar military base.

“OK, so I’ve got some men on a road and it looks like a piece of artillery firing at us. I am rolling in in self-defence,” Schmidt says on the tape.

You get the idea? First thing that came to my mind. And the military isn’t going to openly admit it

6 replies on “Black Hawk directly hit Passenger Plane- Go Pills a factor??”

Hi Penny,

Could be , there was widespread amphetamine usage during WW2 especially by the Yanks and the Germans. Before that whiskey lubricated the battlefield. Vietnam pushed drug usage to a higher level. But, amphetamines don’t make you blind or stupid/suicidal. On the home front on a simple training hop around the capital I would suspect more like coke, pot or booze…OR… we can’t underestimate stupid, immature, cowboy gamesmanship or complete, utter incompetence.

Hi Mark
to my understanding the use of these amphetamine pills is still a thing to this day. Agreed amphetamines may not make you stupid or blind, etc. What they may do is increase risky behaviours. I linked to a news article from the CBC that implicated US pilots use of these drugs in the friendly fire death of Canadians in Afghanistan.

But, yes, any or many other drugs could be implicated as well as stupidity, playing chicken or gamemanship I did mention. We’ve been told and our supposed to believe that this was a fairly experienced crew, according to the new defence minister

“”It was a fairly experienced crew that was doing an annual night evaluation,” Hegseth said in a statement on Thursday. ”

How “fairly experienced” is defined is unknown to me. ?

Trump seemed to want to play his DEI card, perhaps he already knows the identity of the chopper pilot. Such information would be quickly available.

Hey Mark,
Two pilots listed in this article

Ryan O’Hara

Ryan O’Hara, 29, was the crew chief of the Black Hawk helicopter that collided with the passenger plane, according to CBS News. He leaves behind a wife and one-year-old son,

Andrew Eaves
Paying tribute to her husband, Carrie Eaves confirmed he was one of the pilots of the Blackhawk helicopter.

The third is a female pilot, unnamed as of yet

“Retired Army chief warrant officer Jonathan Koziol told ABC News the trio were ‘very experienced.’

O’Hara individually had hundreds of hours of flight time logged, while Eaves, the instructor pilot running the training drill, had ‘more than 1,000 hours of flight time.’

The female pilot commanding the flight, who has not yet been identified, at the time had also logged more than 500 hours, Koziol said.

‘Both pilots had flown this specific route before at night — this wasn’t something new to either one of them,’ he said.

‘These are our top pilots doing this National Capital Region.'”

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