
Assassination & the Samson Option

Eurasia Review

There is plenty to read at the link above. The information included in the article that stuck with me is below

Enabling Genocide

Israel is determined to ethnically cleanse all Palestinians in order to establish an exclusively Jewish state that is above all laws. Thanks to its lobby’s unprecedented dominance in the American political system that was at a full display during Netanyahu’s address of the joint session of the Congress on July 24 where he was indulged with dozens of standing ovations and animated cheers. He told these mostly credulous, corrupt, and Israel-first congressional body that “a war on Israel is a war on America” and that Iran—not Israel—is the biggest threat facing the world today. “It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization,” he said. Here is the diabolical irony: Netanyahu was neither talking about Israel’s on-going genocide against the Palestinian people nor was he talking about the Israeli extremist mobs, including Knesset members, that stormed 2 military camps to free soldiers charged on torturing and gang raping Palestinian prisoners with baton and other means

Now that the veil has been removed, many people around the globe have witnessed the evil nature of Zionism and how the Israeli forces sadistically rejoice their relentless mass slaughter and deliberate killings of children, people of conscience—especially the younger generations—have been inspired to scrutinize the old narrative. 

Israeli snipers routinely target children for joy-killing.We cannot remain silent about what we saw,” said the 45 American doctors and nurses who volunteered in Gaza in an open letter to President Joe Biden. After seeing too many cases of children killed by snipers, Dr. Mark Perlmutter who is a Jewish American orthopedic and president of the World Surgical Association confirmed to CNN that some kids were deliberately targeted. “No kid gets shot twice by a sniper by mistake,” he attested. 

The IDF proudly acknowledges they’re killing children- not sure if you can view the video here, but, the soldier shot two little boys playing soccer- shot them in the head.
Method of the Madness

Israel is so desperate for optics that would give the impression that they are as strong as ever and that they are winning the war for domestic consumption. Ten months of ethnic cleansing campaign that killed more than 35,000 people, mostly children and women, and destroyed more than 90 percent of the building in Gaza did not lead to the achievement of its stated objectives. Hamas is not ‘wiped out’, hostages are not freed, and a pro-Israel governing body is not installed to take over Gaza. 

So far, Israel dropped 75,000 tons of bombs on Gaza. Each ton being 2,000 pounds, we are talking about 150,000,000 pounds of explosives- a level of evil that humanity has never witnessed before. Still the bombings continue being dropped on refugee camps, schools, mosques, and hospitals.

Nuclear Cliffhanger

Ever since 1979 when U.S surveillance satellite detected “a double flash of light in the Indian Ocean midway between Africa and Antarctica” that was later accepted as detonation of a nuclear weapon, Israel adopted a nuclear ambiguity policy. According to the CIA, France assisted Israel in acquiring nuclear technology.

As a deterrent and a psychological tactic, Israel has been indulging in leaking certain information ascertaining its nuclear capability as well as a component of its nuclear doctrine known as “the Samson Option.” The name is inspired by the legendary biblical warrior and judge with extraordinary strength who drew his strength from his long hair.

Ironically, the Samson Option invokes a murder-suicide tactic. After being captured by the Philistines and being tied to the pillars of the temple, Samson killed himself and his enemies by collapsing the pillars of the temple in which they all stood. So the message is: if Israel is ever defeated by conventional military means, it will resort to using nuclear weapon knowing very well that it cannot survive its consequences. The entire region must be annihilated if the Israel project is destroyed. 

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