
Israel adds booster to Vaxx Passport: So called Freedom = Endless Jabs?

Israel is the first country that made the booster shot a requirement for it’s digital vaxx passport and it won’t be the last! Coming soon to the US and Canada. Medical experimentation for an illusory freedom. Is being endlessly jabbed really freedom? Think about it? Israel restricted its COVID Green Pass on Sunday to allow […]


Left Wing Authoritarianism- Oh, it’s real! It’s obvious. And it’s everywhere!

Justin Trudeau. Joe Biden Prime examples of Left Wing AuthoritariansAntifa and “woke” examples of Left Wing Authoritarian Ideology Left-Wing Authoritarianism Is Real And Needs To Be Taken Seriously In Political Psychology, Study Argues Much food for thought in this piece! Thomas Costello at Emory University and colleagues write in their new paper in the Journal […]